Ford's Rise - L. Ann Marie Page 0,23

I’ve ever met and the most fragile. Her hands are touched by the angels and they’re mine.” He smiles. “When she’s not pissed at me.”

I laugh. “Does that happen often?”

He shakes his head no. “It’s memorable when she is. Garren’s afraid of her when she’s mad. She trained with the Saber Commanders so pain is always a risk.”

We’re all laughing. “Alexia trains too. Souza says she’s good. She’s never been in a situation she needed it, well she kneed a guy in the balls, but he was a tool. Garren was with her and Brad thought it was funny.”

I look at him. “Don’t tell me those stories. I’m glad she’s trained. She wants to train with the Alpha-Bits. They’re not easy. She’ll need it.”

He laughs. Banks hands him his phone. “Fuck. She didn’t get training like that.”

We order then Cort leans looking at Ford. “The Alpha-Bits have been tried for too many times to keep track of. Anton was caught and rescued. Their training is for that purpose. They carry lasers when they can run moving targets proficiently. Alder has a gun he uses on Ops. They would rank on the leaderboards. As in position one and two. Falcon had Asa and Alder run ride and shoot. They’re both dead center at one forty.”

Ford is shocked. “I’ve seen the little guns. I didn’t know they’re real.”

I shake my head. “Only Alder has Ops gear. He carries just a laser in the Clubs. They’re too small for plating in their gear so they’d get hurt if they weren’t able to get away from a threat.”

He nods. “Jesus, they’re impressive. How did they choose Alder as Little Pres?”

I listen as my Brothers give him a history and lab-life lesson. I wouldn’t be able to tell him everything. My little Brothers went through hell. Our dinner comes and the topic gets lighter. Garren is funny and I love hearing stories about him.

“How old is your boy?” Banks asks.

“Seven next month.” My big brother looks proud.

Raid looks surprised. “He’s in third grade?”

“First. He was taking a placement test today with the other kids. How do they qualify giving the test?” Ford asks.

Raid shakes his head. “He tested in third grade and knows five languages fluently. The test is on the computer, Dreng and Daniel don’t give it. They can't help him either. The virtual teacher oversees that he answers himself. The boys have to be five feet away while he takes it.”

Cort smiles at me. His eyes are shining soft blue today. I think of Ben and the flashing green eyes. I bet that’s how I used to see Cort’s hard blue eyes when he’s pissed. “You ready, Brother?”

I nod and stand. Cort’s look tells me he’ll be meeting Alejandro and causing shit on the compound. “Did you know Brusher and his son are painting the Alpha-Bit houses with the Little Brothers?”

Raid plays with his phone. “Daniel sent me a picture of Aris’s and the one they did today. Juan sent it. Tyson was excited they showed at Alder’s.”

“The dragon looks real,” Banks says.

“Brusher is teaching his boy. They have all the Little Brothers helping after they get the picture outlined.” Amos knows. They all must know.

I smile walking toward the jeweler. “Juan and Maddox will have a printer to paint the houses. Those two are crazy with the printers.”

Cort laughs. “I’m texting them. If they haven’t thought of it, they will now. The white is blinding all together.”

Jesus, this is going to get crazy. He’s not wrong so I don’t say a word.

Inside, Cort talks to the woman, she goes to the back and a man shows. “Tiffany, Winston, Cartier.” Cort doesn’t even greet the guy.

The man leaves and comes back with a square tray of jewelry on what looks like velvet. I guess what’s in the cases aren’t any good. A light blue grayish ring catches my eye. In the sun, her eyes look like that washed out blue. Cort watches me. “The gray?”

“I like it. It’s her eyes in the sun. What about other things to go with it?”

“Ring size?” the man says. He’s English.

Raid moves closer. “Six.”

I look at him. How the hell does he know? Lorelei must have helped. I don’t ask. “Web, look at these, they match that stone. Is it a diamond?”

I look at the man. “It’s a diamond and sized for average. It will fit your paramour.”

Paramour? I look for it and nod at him. Intended, lover, woman, mistress. “I want that one.”

He nods. “Of course, Copyright 2016 - 2024