Ford's Rise - L. Ann Marie Page 0,22

much more. They gave us all a chance at a real life.

I guess we’re like Alexia when she went to Providence. She learned to live. She bowled to be around people, she babysat, loving the commander’s kids. She fished to fill her Sunday mornings. She learned to cook and liked inviting people over and she loves the spirit parties. She learned to live with people around. The girl has got some balls. I smile proud of her stepping into her scary and mastering it.

My amazing girl needs a ring and shit. Raid got Lorelei other shit. I call and ask. He has me laughing then decides he’s coming with me after work so I don’t fuck it up.

I get back to work.


Cort, Raid, Banks, Ford and Amos ride to an early dinner and the jeweler with me. Amal, Aris, Dreng and Daniel have Alejandro and kept giving Ford looks so he came to IT then agreed to the ride. The women and kids are busy with their own shit. I’m not seeing Alexia for swimming or dinner. Women are scary so I told her to have fun.

Ford wasn’t happy Télia is out and he doesn’t know who is with her. I pulled them up at the café and he relaxed seeing all the Security with them. He’s still relaxed and I’m proud he rides on the side of me.

We pull in front of the steakhouse and Raid groans. “The Italian place is right there, Brother.”

Cort nods. “I have Italian at home twice a week. Go there if you want. I’m eating here.”

“Why the fuck do I get invited on steak night and not Italian?” Raid has Ford laughing.

I shake my head and follow Cort in. “We’re moving and you can eat whatever the fuck you want. Why aren’t you making Italian if that’s what you like? I like breakfast and know how to cook it when that's what I want to eat.”

“I don’t know how to make anything Italian but spaghetti. Lorelei cooks most nights. She doesn’t make a lot of Italian shit.”

Banks laughs. “You better learn how to make what she doesn’t. Your bitching about food is getting old, Brother.”

Ford looks at me. “Tell me you know how to cook.”

Amos answers for me. “He does. He’s a good cook and has a virtual chef he built to teach what he doesn’t know. He’s a lousy baker so don’t ask him for a cake.”

I push the tall lanky Brother away from us. “Fuck off, Amos. I learned to make a cake and better cookies. You think I’d make the chef and not learn from him?”

He sits laughing. “Relax, Web. I’m glad you learned. I haven’t seen you baking since the first birthday cake.”

They all laugh. I shake my head and tell Ford, “It was bad. I never made a cake and had to decorate it. The directions were crazy. I built the chef and he explains shit. With digital books, I uploaded everything into it, so all the reasons, or substitutions are in the program. Now I can make a cake and my cookies are as good as Seren’s.”

He nods. “I could use the chef. Garren told me about him. I know breakfast and the grill. Wheeler and Kimberly cook.”

“He’s in your kitchen. It’s on the keypad. Every house has him now.”

Raid jumps in. “I’ll have Chef Gourmet?”

I nod. “Alder is putting him in all the houses.”

“Fucking cool.”

Banks laughs. “Ill, chill, sick...”

We laugh. “Thanks for coming with me. I know to get a ring, but I don’t know anything about jewelry.”

Ford nods. “I didn’t know about family until I got to EROP. I know jewelry and women.”

Amos and Raid laugh. “Another player?”

Ford shakes his head. “Reformed. Télia is worth hanging it up.” He makes me proud.

Cort’s eyes show respect. “Same here. Women aren’t easy. It’s a job I love so I can say it’s worth it.”

Raid rolls his eyes. “She’s a supermodel and smart with the fucking quotes.”

I look at him. “Are you saying Lorelei isn’t. It’s been like a year and a half.”

He growls at me and Ford laughs. “All the ol’ ladies are pretty women. It’s not what they look like that keeps us. It’s who they are inside, the woman only we get. We got a new commander and he asked what it’s like married to an autistic. I punched him right the fuck out. If he didn’t know her after seeing her for a week, he wasn’t ever seeing her. She’s one of the strongest women Copyright 2016 - 2024