Ford's Rise - L. Ann Marie Page 0,19

her off I turn to Cort. “Boss, the corporation is CIA.”

He looks at me like I’m kidding. “It’s the name from the Finland plane. Fake Masons,” I explain.

Cort: “Jesus fuck. Get Ben on a board.”

I pull Brantley up and ask him to jump in here. We can open their room, it feels wrong, so I always have Brantley open to ours. Ben turns toward the camera and I’d swear his green eyes are flashing.

Ben: “Cort, two more planes got through. I have one down.”

Cort: “Shit. I’ll get more up. Casualties?”

Ben: “A gunner.” His eyes are flashing again. That’s weird. I need more coffee.

Cort: “IT has the trucks coming at us as a CIA corporation.” I send what IT has so far to Brantley.

Ben: “Brantley, get me Saber.”

Brantley: “Roger, Prez.” He types then looks at his camera. “Web, get Hannah on with Alexia. This is going to get ugly.”

I nod and text Hannah as I answer. “Alexia just got to IT. Hannah is called in.” She pops on a chat. “She’s on. Hannah, I need you with Alexia. She just got to IT. Trucks coming at us are the CIA dummy corp.”

Hannah: She doesn’t look happy. “I’m on it. Alexia just logged on. Is this a try for her?”

For Alexia? “Find out.” My heart lurches in my chest.

Hannah: “I’m on it.” She closes the chat down.

Vick: Ford comes in with Vick. “Pres, Ford asked to come up.” Vick looks unsure.

Cort: “We need planes up, Brother. MC Badass, Bastards and CIA are identified.”

Ford: He's looking at the boards and pulls his phone. “Luke Rayne, do you have the threats coming at Phoenix?” His pause is too long. “CIA? That’s what they have. Get Rafael on that. We need to cover for them. Everything you have taking them before they make it here. Thanks, Brother.” He hangs up and looks at Cort. “They have California, Nevada and were following Arizona. They’re engaged.”

I look for it and put it on the side board. “Nevada on the side. Second CIA Corp owns choppers over Arizona.”

Cort: “Can I shoot down CIA?”

Ben: Princes flips the room back on. “Shoot the pussies down. This is fuckin’ crazy even for the government.”

Ford: He answers his phone. “Yeah, roger, Commander.” He hangs up and dials. “You’re a go with MC and FBI backing this time.” He laughs hanging up.

Cort: “What am I looking at, Ben?”

My head swings back to Cort with my boards moving with the motion. He’s pissed. It’s like walking through a renaissance festival I went to in Maine. So much was happening I stood still for ten minutes moving only my eyes. Everywhere my head turns, someone is talking, boards are showing everything in different states, Ops rooms are on, chopper and jet views are playing in Aerial. It all shows through my IT boards. Hannah’s Coder2 tag pops on the side of my board. It’s an Alexia threat, MC Badass and Bastards. CIA is using them to get in. I read shaking my head with a hand on my heart. Throwing it on the board, I start talking. “Cort, CIA messages, texts and payments going to the dummy corp, MC Southern California and Bastards. Alexia is named. She’ll get her father in it.”

Ben: “Brantley, get that to Saber. Jesus fuck. Is someone with Alexia?”

Ford: “I can get Garren or Télia with her. Web is here.”

Cort: “Télia.” Ford walks out. Cort looks at me. “Who is at IT?”

I pull up the consoles signed in. “Alpha-Bits, AJ is in.” He talks to Jack. I look at who else is in. A bunch of Brothers but no help for Alexia. She doesn’t know the women that are on. Shit. My heart is beating an unnatural rhythm again.

Ranger: “Freedom is going to IT. She dropped the Rs at Web’s.”

I try to relax and breathe normally.

Cort: “AJ is with her. We need AJ on IT when Freedom gets in. Thanks, Ranger.” He turns to me so I nod.

Everything feels like it’s in slow motion. Ford says Télia is on a chopper to IT. The Training Center blows the shit out of the choppers and planes. Choppers shoot up the bikes and trucks in Utah and Colorado. Two temp MC Clubs that we’ve been watching via satellite and California borrowed feeds, unbeknownst to them, got blown up. Bikes and trucks are shot at in Texas. Justice and Mag stop anything from getting close over Texas and Oklahoma. My IT board has a small feed showing Alexia with Télia. She’s not talking or Copyright 2016 - 2024