Ford's Rise - L. Ann Marie Page 0,18

either. I don’t feel stupid since we’re learning together.”

I shake my head. “You’re not stupid. I like learning with you. You’re honest and aren’t afraid to tell me the new you’re feeling.”

She giggles. “I feel like kissing you. I want a hug too.”

Now I’m groaning. “I’d say we’re on the same page.”

I get that smile again. “I’m going to use you for the spirit party. I’ll call when I get home. Garren and Michael are waiting for me.”

“Go, Lexi. I’ll be waiting for your call.”

Another giggle before she shuts us down has me smiling.

She loves me. I’m sure it’s fucked up that other people had to tell us. I shake it right out of my head. I don’t care as long as she loves me. I send Alder a text with the emoticons getting a laughing emoticon back. He writes, ‘told you’. I laugh getting to my room for the night. He did tell me. He’s too fucking smart.

Chapter Three

Two days


I roll out of bed fast. “I’m on my way.”

Four minutes later I’m at the waiting chopper. “Pres said to get you there quick.”

I nod at the engineer. Since I’m here, I’d think he should get that I know. He hands me a helmet with a mask on it. I put it on and hold on. He wasn't kidding about the fast. At the office I run up feeling a little off from the quick stealth ride. I don’t know how Justice and Mag walk away like it’s nothing. My legs feel like I’ve ridden for hours.

Alder and Anton are in stealth with Ranger when I walk in. “Thank fuck. Akai is on at IT. Bikes coming from the west, choppers and planes from the south and east. BSC South took out two planes and three choppers. We’re in Ops.” Cort is in alert mode.

I nod and pull Akai up on my board. “I’m in. Where are you?”

Akai: “Trucks, Arizona.”

I look and know they’re coming our way. “Cort, trucks and bikes coming in from Arizona.”

Cort: “Teller.” I look around not seeing Teller in Bravo Ops.

Teller: “Here, Pres.” Teller, Phoenix and Mucimi show on the side of him. I shake my head, it’s too fucking early for the magic show and I haven’t had coffee yet. Mucimi is gone again.

I focus on my boards. “Utah has trucks running, Boss.” Throwing it up, I wait for Cort. He’s going to tell me to get a tech on them.

Cort: “Get someone on following them. Teller, stay with stealth. Ranger, get on the jets. Phoenix, are you a Control Lead?”

Ranger: “Roger, Pres.”

Teller: “Roger, Boss.”

Phoenix: “No, I’m Control IT Lead.”

Cort: “Get with Web.”

“Phoenix, sit here and follow the trucks.” I push a chair and he sits typing.

Phoenix: “They’re headed here. An hour and fifteen minutes until they hit Colorado, Boss.”

Cort looks my way. I shrug. “What he said.”

Cort: He shakes his head. “I need intent if anyone gets it. Web, get Bravo’s room on the lower center board.” He pulls his glasses off and stands behind Alder. Teller is behind Anton.

“Roger, Boss.” I pull up the room and look at the door closing. Mucimi has coffee on a tray. Shit. “No drinks in here, Brother.”

Mucimi: “Glasses. No keyboard to spill on.”

Cort: He nods at me. “Take a drink and get them out of here.”

I move quick drinking half the cup and bring the tray to the door. A Security Brother takes it. “Call for a Prospect,” I tell him. Getting back in, I sit and pull my glasses on. I can see everything better with them. Mucimi sits and rolls his chair to my side using the second keyboard to pull IT up. I ignore him and throw orders to Akai and the techs. Raid and Shultz come in fast. I ignore them too. “Pres, Delta and MC are readied.”

Cort: “Shultz, get on with the MC. Raid, you’re on with Jordan.”

They roger and take headsets. I look and see Jordan on a computer. He’s running IT Control. He’s more comfortable there than Ops Control Lead.

Cort: “Web, who the fuck is coming at us?”

Pulling the tech info, I read outloud. “Southern-Cal MC Badass, Bastards and Six Guns. Trucks are a corporation, techs are digging for it.” I see the name and pull my phone. “Alexia, Prime Divisions is CIA?”

“Yeah, I was called in. I’m in the smart car.” She sounds tired.

“Thanks, we have a shit ton of vehicles coming at us.”

A car door slams. “I’m at IT. I can’t talk and run.”

I smile. “Go, baby.” Swiping Copyright 2016 - 2024