Ford's Rise - L. Ann Marie Page 0,15

and will come. Hamp is good with spirit parties. We’re first people so it’s always good.”

First people? That’s Paleo-Americans. “They didn’t die with the ice?”

“We’re Naskapi. They are said to be born of the Paleo-Americans. Brekan will give you the history. He’s a cousin or tribesman somehow,” Ford clarifies, sort of.

I nod thinking crazy is playing out here. “You know he grew up on a reservation close to Cort. Crow and Brekan’s grandfather were Mason Indians or something.”

He nods. “I stopped the whole history thing the day I met you and Michael. It’s weird how everyone knows each other.” He’s not wrong.

“It is. Will Brekan know about our father?”

His eyes show pain. “No, he knows Aiyana is a tribesman from the Paleo-Naskapi line. I think that’s as much as he knows about common people.”

“It’s still weird. I’m new to family so it should be, I guess.”

The pain is in his eyes again. I turn away and see the same in Garren and Michael’s eyes. I shrug. “It was a surprise to have only the Alpha-Bits then three brothers. It’s not bad, just different.” It’s fucking awesome, but I’m not saying that and sounding like a girl.

Garren smiles. “Like us.”

Télia laughs. I smile back. “Like us.”


Major and Brekan meet us under the portico with hugs and back slaps. Alder is quiet. As we all walk in, I ask him, “Are you okay, Brother?”

“Yeah, Web.” He lifts his hair. “I listen Akai. Chopper close to safe zone.”

Shit. I pull my tablet and stop walking. “Hold up, Major.” Getting Ops up I see Falcon has Mag up. Breathing a sigh of relief, I nod and start walking again.

Alder smiles. “I tell you threat. VP Jack on Flight.”

I shrug. “Next time say that. We have a bunch of Alpha-Bits in that safe zone.”

His smile gets bigger. “And Boss Alexia.”

I nod. “She’s at Phoenix. I would check on that one too. The Alpha-Bits are mine like they’re yours, Brother. We all watch out for them.”

He nods with tears. “I see. Thanks, Web.”

“What’s happening?” Brekan asks.

“Chopper close to the Alpha-Bit safe zone. Jack has Mag up. They’re safe.”

He nods and starts walking. The Colorado Club made perfect rooms for the Alpha-Bits. It’s a two bedroom version of an Alpha-Bit house one door away from Major. They have desk chairs in the dining room, two smaller consoles in surveillance and new desk chairs in Ops. Major tells me the old chairs turned to go up and down, there was no lever. I just nod at him trying to hold my laugh.

Alder smiles. “Alpha-Bits be comfortable here. Thank you, Pres Major, VP Brekan. Dinner?”

Major smiles. “Six. We can talk after.”

Alder nods. “I work, later.”

Brekan laughs when he runs out the door with Tats jogging behind him. “Do you still want to go to Delta?”

I nod. “I have a meet with Maverick. He said whenever I show. A new trainer has a problem with Stella.”

He shakes his head. “It’s the other way around. She has a problem with him. He’s struck dumb by her. She’s a pretty girl and deaf. Every time she’s around, he’s falling all over himself. He asked how she knows what he’s saying four times then turned saying something about kissing her. She won’t go back. He ran to the chopper and gave her a box of candy and flowers. Brinks wants to kill the Brother. He’s just young and has no clue.”

Shit. I’m smiling but get the not having a clue. “Justice gave me a list. They work.”

He nods. “Jordan said something about a list. I’ll get him to send it. The Brother is a good tech and new for training. He’s not that young that he shouldn’t know about women. Maverick says he has no problem with the Club chicks.” He sounds dumbfounded.

“It’s different when you have to work at it. I had no clue either. I can ride to Delta.”

He nods. Major answers. “Brekan is going too. You’ll be back by dinner. I’m going to find what Little Pres is up to.”

I nod keeping my mouth shut. Alder will love that about as much as the “tail head” house connected to his. He doesn’t like being followed around.

We walk back out and I smile. They have a team and a bike for me. I don’t travel anywhere alone. I’m glad Cort thought to have a Team from Phoenix. I figure the relief is for a reason and throw chin to my Brothers.

“Do all the Alpha-Bit Security follow them around like Alder’s?” Brekan Copyright 2016 - 2024