Ford's Rise - L. Ann Marie Page 0,14

Akai. He’s a VP of the Alpha-Bits now with Asa. Amal is SAA. The new BSC circuit procedures had Alder change shit so he’s covered when he’s out. They’ll handle the Alpha-Bits. If you need me, call. I’m only in Colorado then the city. Get Télia and Alejandro settled.”

Alexia turns. “I’ll miss you. Akai said to text you all day and chat at night. I'm doing that.”

I kiss her lips. “Thanks. Ford and Garren will watch out for you. Michael is quiet when you’re around.”

She nods. “Raid is in Phoenix. Marks said I talk to him. He’s nice and helps fix problems.”

I nod surprised she’s smiling about Raid. He’s huge and scares me when he’s pissed. “Cort, Raid, Ranger, Freedom, Amos, Banks and Ford are all safe people. If you need something not IT, they’re the Brothers that will help. For IT, see Akai. You know our shit, you’ll be fine.”

She smiles like she’s proud. “I’ll be fine. Garren, Akai, Télia and Security are here. You’ll be home soon.”

Her smile at that has me kissing her lips again. “I will. Call when you need to hear me.”

Akai comes over for Alexia. She kisses my lips and stands. “Be safe, Web. I’ll text and call.”

Akai hugs me saying I’m covered. They’re off with Alexia running after Akai. Ford laughs. “She’s cute. I’m glad you’ve got her settled. Miguel said the Commander was pissed she handled the breach alone.”

I laugh. “He was pissed she told the Alpha-Bits how to hijack a plane.”

He smiles. “That and stealing the money too. She was alone. She did good and got help when she needed it. She covered EROP when they had no idea how shit was getting out. I’m glad she’s here. No one can get at her here.”

What? “She has a threat?” What the fuck? No one told me.

He’s surprised. “FBI, even retired has a threat, Dude. You’re no different here. Cort said you and the Alpha-Bits have a threat for life. She’s safest right here. This whole stretch of land is covered in force field and security.”

I shake my head. “Does she know she has a threat?”

He realizes I’m pissed and puts his hands up. “I don’t know what she knows. She doesn’t talk to me.”

Télia touches my hand. “She’s never said it. Wouldn’t she tell someone if she knew? She wouldn’t lie or hide something like that.”

I pull my phone and call Marks. “Does Alexia know she has a threat?”

He takes a minute that pisses me off. “She’s former FBI. That alone is a threat. I didn’t tell her the planted agent threw one. She was scared enough. Anymore and she wouldn’t function normally.”

I’m up and pacing. Garren and Michael watch looking nervous. Shit. “You couldn’t have told me?”

“Brother, I talked to Trask, Cort and Raid. Raid has her at Phoenix. Cort said she’s not off the safe zone without Security. He called Alder to get the Alpha-Bits watching out for her. I didn’t know she was yours or I would have told you.”

Fucking hell. “Thanks.” I hang up. Fucking Brothers. I bend, putting my hands on my knees and breathe. When I feel some control, I call Cort. “Alexia has a threat. No one told me. I’m leaving for Colorado today. Breathing is hard right now. What do I do?”

“I’ve got her covered. She has a team following her from IT to Phoenix. Surveillance on the Alpha-Bit safe zone land is following her and Security is watching while you’re out. When you’re in, she’s watched like an Alpha-Bit. Her tracking is on with theirs. They won’t drop her. Breathe and relax, Brother. We have your back.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“You’re taking too long, Brother. She isn’t yours yet. She’s covered until you grow a pair and make her yours. When you do, I’ll tell you to cover her.”

I shake my head. “Thanks, Boss. I’m trying to make her mine.”

He hangs up on me.

I sit and look at Ford. “She isn’t without Security off the Alpha-Bit safe zone land. Raid has her at Phoenix.”

He nods. Garren relaxes me. “Brad is here and knows to watch out for Alexia too. He keeps us safe. When we get back from the D-Ability house, he’s going to Phoenix with Alexia.”

I smile. “Thanks, that’s a relief. Cort said they have her covered. The Alpha-Bits are watching too.”

Michael nods. “Surveillance. IT, I watch.”

“Thanks, Brothers. I was nervous. With everyone watching out for her, I’ll relax.”

Garren nods then smiles. “We have a spirit party tonight. She likes those Copyright 2016 - 2024