Ford's Rise - L. Ann Marie Page 0,11

she’ll be ready when they ask again. Yesterday, she doubled up and gave them two classes of procedures. I’m amazed with all things Alexia.

We went to the warehouse town and had dinner at a restaurant the night before last. She’s been out with women so it wasn’t new. She said I still make it hard for her to think. Since it’s without the scary, I’m taking it as a compliment.

Smiling, I pull my boots on. The kissing is another compliment. My dick jumps. Her hands are all over me when we kiss. She sits on my lap like she owns the spot. I’ve never had that. The ol’ ladies gave her book links and videos. She tells me all about the new she’s learning, getting me hot as hell. The fucking woman has no filter. Hannah told her to be honest and open so it’s better for both of us. Alexia took it as law when Télia agreed.

I trim my beard with the clippers on autopilot then check in long enough to shave so I’m not fucking it up. I like the short beard with the clean look. Ford doesn’t shave for a few days, then he cleans up looking more like Garren’s clean shaven face. I’m at Ford’s house for breakfast today. My nephew is smart as hell and loves Alexia and Garren.

Télia moving here surprised me but she fits right in and has both Alexia and Garren here making her happy. She said she needs Garren when Ford isn’t around, since Garren needs me when Ford isn’t around, I’m not sure what my role is with her. Alexia told me to ask. I’m going to, that’s not until I get back.

I’m flying to Colorado with Alder at noon. I need to make sure Akai, Amal, Asa and Doc are all set with the schedule. Freedom will keep Anton and the Rs. I love Anton to death but he’s a handful. I’m glad she took the job of looking out for him, or more accurately, she’ll keep him too busy to get into trouble. Without Alder or me here, Anton may try taking over, that could be bad. Cort loves him and thinks he’s a riot. I’m not sure there wouldn’t be riots if he isn’t held in check. I’m also not sure Ranger and Cort will hold him in check. Freedom will. He’s afraid of her.

Walking out of my igloo I’m smiling until I see the blue dragon. It looks like it’s comfortably relaxed and watching the compound road. “When the fuck did that happen?”

“Web! We’re going to Hamp’s too!”

“Brothers, when did Aris paint his house?”

Garren slows his steps for Michael. I get down my stairs before Garren runs up them. “Painters came and painted all day yesterday to finish. It looks real. Télia paints like that.” The painting must have started days ago.

Out early and back late has me missing too much shit. I saw Télia’s pictures up at Ford’s. She’s amazing. Kissing both their heads from the last step I smile. Garren leans in for it. Michael smiles at me. “It looks real and she’s talented. I can’t wait to see you paint.”

He nods and starts walking toward Ford’s. “I’m going to teach Michael and Jacques. Gregor wants to paint with us but he’s working.”

“I’ll talk to Akai. We can change the schedule for him.”

Michael likes that. “Reschedule.”

I nod. “They should get to learn what they want just like us. We can fix it so they can.” We take the steps up to Ford’s.

Garren walks right in. I like that no one reacts. “Ford, Télia.” I acknowledge.

“Can I paint the house?” Télia asks before Ford can answer.

“If you want to. It has to get finished or it goes back to white. It’s my only rule.”

She smiles at me then Ford. He shakes his head. “No flower shit or our faces.”

Alejandro jumps around. “Yeah! I knew he’d let you paint. I like the postcard painting or the reservation. That would work good here.”

Télia smiles indulgently at him. “I have an idea.”

Alejandro laughs. “Dad’s not in trouble so it will be good.”

I laugh. Garren’s eyes go wide while his head swings back and forth. This isn’t a laughing matter, I guess. “Télia makes scary paintings when she’s mad at Hamp.”

I nod pulling a chair out for Michael. Alejandro gets up. “Amal is picking me up for breakfast. I’m going to meet the other Alpha-Bits.”

Shit. “Do you all want to go to the kitchen?” I’m leaving and they just Copyright 2016 - 2024