Ford's Rise - L. Ann Marie Page 0,103

Alpha-Bits are excited and showing at our house.”

Oh boy. “I’ll let Bear know.”

He pushes my hand down. “I did. Ben James and Danny are staying. Garren and Michael are on their way so they can get a tour of the compounds.”

I look at the Director. “Do you want to go with them? I am off too.”

He nods smiling. “I’d love to see where you live.”

Web laughs. “It was an igloo until the Alpha-Bits built painting printers.”

I nod. “The white was blinding in the afternoons.”

“Painting printers?”

Cort sits and laughs. “The Alpha-Bits are fucking crazy but effective.” He turns toward me. “Seren is bringing Caelan when she’s out of training. Brekan and Harper are bringing the twins. I sent word to the kitchen.”

I nod. That’s a lot more than one extra. Web shakes his head. “Who else is coming?”

The way Cort smiles I already know it’s not two. “Raid, Cooper, Trask, Jinx, Falcon, Jack, Ranger, Amos, Banks, Beacon, Brinks, Rex, Ajhil, basically everyone that isn’t on the Teams going out. We have food coming from everywhere so there will be enough. Ranger and Jack always sing and Amal said they got some new moves.” He looks proud of himself. “It’s an impromptu Alpha-Bit movement. You know, because they legally exist now.”

I smile. He’s a funny guy when he doesn’t act all scary. “Are women coming?”

Cort nods. “Definitely. They’ll probably bring friends. The Flight Crews will show with women too.”

The Director thinks he’s funny and laughs. Web shakes his head again. “Fucking Brothers.”



My girl is smiling as I pull her away from the women. “Star time, sexy Lexi.”

“Thanks. I like having people around but I could use a break. Did the Director see the house?”

I nod glad she thought of him. She’s been her quiet self tonight. She watches everything going on around her but doesn’t comment much. “Garren and Michael will get him there in case he forgets what road it’s on.”

We walk to our yard with me admiring the pictures. I love our house. When I sit, she sits in my lap. I love that too. “You had a lot sprung on you today.”

The back of her head rubs against my chest as she nods. “I’m not sure what to say to the Director. He fixed so much that was wrong. I didn’t look at what’s on the flash. I’m not sure I want to know, but I’m glad I have it. I can help if Alder ever needs it.”

“I put it in the safe. If you’re ever ready to read it, you know how to get it.”

“Am I supposed to do anything or say something to him? What do you say to a father? Movies have so many different people, but I don’t know what you say to a man you don’t really know.”

“I never had a father. They’re supposed to teach their kids about life. Crow felt like that for me. He was a wise man. It’s different than Cort, he’s so fuckin smart it’s scary sometimes. Crow was wise. He knew people. It wasn’t any thing I ever learned.”

“What did he teach you?”

I smile and kiss her head. “We’d walk and talk almost every night about the Brothers, the Club and what the Alpha-Bits need from me. Crow said they’d tell me and if they couldn’t say it, they’d show it. My job was to watch, be patient and help in the ways I could. Being a tech wasn’t something Crow knew and the Alpha-Bits needed a Brother that understood how to communicate with them while teaching them about life. It was always lessons like that. It didn’t feel like lessons. I learned so much from those walks. They weren’t hours, although we did have a few of those. It was maybe a half hour a night that I won’t ever forget. You don’t have to say or do anything but what you feel, baby. If you don’t feel like saying anything, don’t. Just being with my Brothers feels good. I’m not alone, it’s like Crow said, Badass is never alone. Brotherhood is good even if no one talks. I bet having a dad is like that.”

She’s quiet for a while and we watch the stars get brighter. “That’s a good lesson. I didn’t have a teacher until Kyra. She taught me how to see and do other things. Télia and Garren did too but Kyra made everything simple and pointed out all the things I already did.”

“You’re an amazing woman, Lexi. You’re the only one that doesn’t Copyright 2016 - 2024