Ford's Rise - L. Ann Marie Page 0,102

in the cafeteria.”

Web bends and I kiss his lips. “Alder needed his gear. I’ll be about a half an hour. Do you want me to get Stella with you?”

“No, we’ll just be downstairs. Meet us there when you’re done. Be safe, Alder.”

“I will, Boss Alexia. Thanks.”

The Director steps back when I walk toward him. “Thank you, Alexia.”

I don’t know what to say so I don’t say anything. I throw him chin. The Alpha-Bits and Web do it all the time. They are laughing again in my office, but I don’t turn around.

The Director tells me all that Commander Perez and Senator Baxter did on the way. When we get our food he doesn’t talk. I point to the Officer table. “I’m supposed to eat there. I have questions about what you already said. It wouldn’t be good to talk close to everyone. We can sit outside. The feeds will pick us up but the tables don’t have audio.”

He nods and follows me out. At the table he tells me he gave Commander Saber documents that helped with CIA movement and experimental Op Programs. He asked Senator Baxter for help and Mitch Baxter traced the Programs finding more locations for Alpha-Bits. They are amazing. They already have surveillance on the building’s housing them.

I’ve eaten a little but can’t believe the work they've done in a week. When he’s done I don’t know where to start. “You did this because of me?”

“No, I did this because it was the right thing to do. Hearing my daughter say I wasn’t a good man was eye opening. Alexia, I spent my life trying to keep you safe. I stayed as far away as was humanly possible. It wasn’t until you said it that I realized what I stole from you. You already had no mother, no family and I took myself out of your life. I thought I was protecting you. I kept files as insurance. I knew what they were doing and amassed so much information so I could keep you safe, never once thinking of the poor souls that lived in those labs. You were my only concern. I was so damn wrong. If I had kept you with me, I could have exposed the CIA long ago. You probably would have helped.”

I nod feeling torn. “I definitely would have. I was always so scared before. It’s different here. I have people like the Indians. The Alpha-Bits are so small and lived through so much, it’s hard to be a coward in the face of such bravery. Cort told me a quote that said that. In days, I saw just how brave they are. I try to be like them and help the new when I can. I don’t know what to say about you helping now. I’m glad you did and are showing them all of our family aren’t bad. I like you more now that you’re helping fix what my uncles did.”

He smiles. “I like me better too. I have something for you. You can read it, trace it or just leave it in a safe. The file that the DOJ has is on here.” He pushes a flash drive across the table. “You should have a say and full knowledge of the information in case it’s needed in the future. Your new family deserves a better man than me watching out for them. Baxters, Ben Knight, Commander Perez and Cort have it so you’re not alone, but they are your family.”

I smile and take the flash. “They are. Thank you. Are you going back with the teams?” My heart is beating so hard and loud.

“I don’t have to. I have a plane here.”

Web won’t care if we have an extra person. He loves people around. “Will you stay for dinner? I have more questions and I’m off since I’m not in planning this afternoon. Aaron has the virtual training up because I was rescheduled.”

“What is virtual training?”

I explain about me training while I’m doing something else. “It sounds like the virtual people at Phoenix. I thought it was amazing that they answered me.”

I laugh. “Web and Alpha-Bits are crazy with technology and Cort thinks it’s funny. Web builds everything with them thinking it's all normal. It is different than Providence and Quantico.”

Web leans over my shoulder and kisses my cheek. “We like different here.”

I nod. “We do. The Director is staying for dinner.” I look up feeling a little nervous and excited.

He smiles and kisses my nose. “Good. The Copyright 2016 - 2024