Forbidden Harmony (Harmony Falls #3) - Elizabeth Kelly Page 0,109

going to blow him? At this point, he would be happy with a hand job. Giving him a damn blowjob was really going above and beyond the –

Her warm mouth slid over his cock and he groaned. His hips arched automatically, and he made another low groan of pain as the movement sent bolts of agony through his head. She stopped immediately and massaged his thick thighs.

“Simon, can you do this?”

“Yes,” he whispered without opening his eyes. “Please try. It’ll help if I come.”

She took his cock into her mouth again, sucking him firmly until he was hard and throbbing despite the agony in his brain. She didn’t waste time teasing or tormenting. She set a firm and steady pace of sucking, her hand squeezing and stroking the base. He gave in to the sensation completely. He wanted to come – fuck, he needed to come – and he wasn’t even embarrassed when his body shuddered, and he climaxed after only a few minutes. She swallowed his seed and licked him clean before sitting up on the side of the bed.

“Turn over,” she said.

He turned onto his stomach. His head was still pounding but the rush of endorphins from his orgasm had helped to dull it to a more manageable pain. He groaned when her soft but surprisingly strong hands kneaded his tense upper back muscles and shoulders.

“Any better?”

“A little,” he groaned.

“Good. Try and relax, Simon.”

He would never relax. The orgasm had helped, he no longer felt like his head was going to simply shatter apart at the slightest touch, but it still hurt like motherfucking hell. Still, her rubbing and massaging was really helping. It was impossible to stay tense with her hands rubbing out every knot in his shoulders and neck.

“Feels good, Sunshine,” he mumbled.

“I’m glad. Go to sleep, honey.”

“Yeah, sleep.” He made a soft snorting sound and drifted.

Chapter Twenty-Six

Addison studied Preacher in the dim light. His face was pale and sweaty and even in sleep, the pain was still etched into it. She used the cool cloth to wipe his upper back and neck before pulling the sheets up to his waist.

His clothes were lying on the floor and she picked them up and carried them to the dresser. She was just about to drape them over the dresser when his jeans vibrated. She fished in his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. The screen was lit up with two missed calls from Gideon and a flurry of texts.

Where are you?

Call me, for God’s sake.

If you stayed at home, then call me and let me know.

She nearly dropped his phone when it vibrated in her hand. Gideon was calling again, and she hurried out of the bedroom before answering it.

“Hi Gideon, it’s Addie.”

“Addie? Where’s Preacher?” Gideon asked.

“He’s, um, he’s here at my place. He has a migraine.”

“I know,” Gideon said. “He usually comes to my place when he has one. He texted me and said he was on his way over.”

“He showed up at my place about half an hour ago,” Addie said.

“Why? I didn’t think it was serious between you two. Preacher told me it was just fuc -”

He stopped abruptly, and Addison felt a moment of shame. She swallowed it down and said, “We are just, um, screwing. He probably came here because the pain got too bad and my place is closer. It’s a bad one – he can barely walk and he’s throwing up.”

“Well, I can come get him if you want,” Gideon said. “I’ve been through this with him more times than I can count, and he can be a real asshole when he’s got a migraine. Not that I blame him.”

“It’s fine,” Addison said. “He’s sleeping right now, and I don’t want to wake him up. If he wants to go to your place later, can I call you to pick him up? I still don’t have a car.”

“Yes,” Gideon said. “If you need anything, just call me. Okay?”

“I will. Thanks, Gideon.”

She hit the end button and went back into the bedroom. She returned Preacher’s phone to his pocket and turned on the ceiling fan. It was starting to get stuffy in the bedroom, but she didn’t want to open the window. The noise from the street might wake him. She stood by the side of the bed and studied Preacher. Why was he here? In the last three days, he hadn’t made any effort to contact her.

A small part of her – okay a very large part of her Copyright 2016 - 2024