Forbidden Harmony (Harmony Falls #3) - Elizabeth Kelly Page 0,108

she led him to the bed. Remaining silent, she helped him strip off his clothes. When he was naked, she urged him into her bed. She pulled the covers to his waist and left the room.

He kept his eyes closed as his head pulsed and throbbed. It would only get worse and he wondered if he should ask Addison to take him to the hospital. He didn’t want to go. He knew from experience that it would be too loud and too bright and the pain meds they gave would maybe dull the pain if he was lucky. He didn’t need that. He just needed dark and quiet. His head felt like it was going to explode but it would get better. It always did…eventually.

Sex will help.

Yeah, it would. For some migraine sufferers, orgasms helped to ease the pain. Sometimes it even made the pain disappear completely. That didn’t usually happen to him, but an orgasm did provide enough relief that he might be able to avoid going to the hospital. He wondered if Addison would freak out if he masturbated in her bed. He pictured the look of horror on her sweet face when she returned to find him yanking one out and would have laughed if he didn’t believe it might make his head detonate like a bomb. Even thinking about moving his goddamn arm back and forth made him queasy.

Ask Addison to do it. You don’t have to move – she’ll do all the work.

Jesus, he wished his inner voice would just shut the fuck up. He could only imagine what Addison would say if he asked her for a hand job right now. At best, she’d think he was a fucking idiot, at worst, she’d think he was faking the migraine just to get laid.

She was back, he could smell her sweet scent in the room, and he tried not to wince when she sat on the bed and it jostled his aching head. A cold cloth was placed on his forehead and he groaned at the pressure but didn’t move it. Sometimes cold helped.

“Do you have medication?” she said.

“Doesn’t work,” he grunted out before clenching his hands into fists. Fuck, he was going to vomit. He struggled to sit up as the cloth fell to his lap with a wet plop. She pressed her hand against his chest.

“What’s wrong?”

“Gonna barf.” He was about three seconds from throwing up all over Addison and her bed. He’d never make it to the bathroom in time.

A bucket was pushed into his hands and he immediately vomited into it. He threw up again and again until his stomach was empty, and he felt shaky and weak. He dry-heaved a few times as she rubbed the back of his neck with her cool hand. When he was done, she helped him ease back onto the bed. The bucket was pulled from his hands and a cool cloth wiped his mouth.

“Okay?” Her tiny hands stroked his chest.

“Yeah,” he grunted. It was a lie. While his stomach was no longer churning, the vomiting had made his head hurt even more and the pain was fucking blinding him. “Sorry.”

“It’s fine,” she said. “I’ll be right back.”

She disappeared and the foul smell of his vomit disappeared with her. Faintly, he heard the sound of a toilet flushing and a few minutes later, Addison was back.

“Sorry,” he rasped again.

“It’s okay.” Her cool hand rested on his forehead. “What about the hospital? I can call Gideon and ask him to give us a ride to the hospital. They can give you stronger pain meds and maybe some oxygen.”

“Not going to the hospital,” he said waspishly. “Just need to be left alone.”

“Do orgasms help?”

He opened his eyes. She was staring at him with no embarrassment in her gaze and he closed his eyes again. “Yeah.”

“Okay.” Her soft little hand slipped under the covers and wrapped around his dick and he groped blindly for it.


“Why not?” she said.

“I can’t do anything for you,” he said.

“You don’t have to.”

“Not fair,” he muttered.

Jesus Christ, you idiot! Shut the fuck up!

“I want to do this,” she said before pulling her hand free of his. “Let me help you, Simon.”

He relented when she said his name, letting his hands fall to his sides as she pulled the covers down to his knees.

“If you need me to stop, just say so.” Her warm breath washed over his cock and despite the dragon spewing fire in his brain, his cock twitched. Christ, was she Copyright 2016 - 2024