Forbidden Bride - Penny Wylder Page 0,4

the flavor creator here is that I can wear whatever I like. I don’t have to wear a uniform or any kind of business attire. So I get to be me. Which most often is pretty and feminine. Flowing with bright colors and clean, clear lines. Even if it is January and not really the kind of weather for what I’m wearing, I need a little taste of summer in my life.

Today I’m wearing a blue maxi dress that’s always made me feel whimsical. It helps my mood, and I’ve found that leaning into the mystery and glamor of being a ‘flavor creator’ when I do the focus groups helps. For some reason being the quirky and mysterious woman who invents ice cream flavors makes our participants more willing to help.

Jill falls into step beside me as I walk toward the focus group suite. “I found one.”

“You found what?” I’m going to play dumb with my best friend in the world because I’m trying to discourage her from finding anymore ‘ones.’ No matter how many times I tell her that I’m not interested, she doesn’t seem to take the hint.

“I found you a date for the Valentine’s Gala, and he’s literally perfect.”

I roll my eyes. “How many times have I told you that I don’t want a date for the gala? That I don’t want a date at all?”

“I’m trying to get you laid, girl,” she says looping her arm through mine and walking with me. “It’s about damn time.”

I laugh. “I’m fine, I promise.”

“Your vibrator must get a workout,” she grumbles.

She doesn’t need to know how true that is. It’s my best friend in the evenings, as I fantasize about the one man that I’ve always wanted but won’t ever be able to have. But I made a decision a long time ago, that he was the only man for me, and even if he’s not in the picture right now, I haven’t ever changed my mind.

“Please,” Jill begs, “will you at least meet the guy before you shut him down?”

“If I know that I’m going to shut him down then why would I meet him and give him any kind of hope? That seems unnecessarily cruel.”

“Because,” she says, matter-of-fact, “I think that once you meet him you’ll see how fantastically hot he is and experience his brilliant mind and change your mind.”

I won’t. “It sounds like maybe he should be your date to the gala.”

Jill waves a hand. “I already have a date.”

We turn the corner and the door to the focus room is open. My father is inside, and someone is standing with him. My stomach drops through the floor and adrenaline fizzles through my veins because I would know that man anywhere. But it can’t be, right? Tristan can’t actually be here in the flesh.

My friend comes around to face me. “If you won’t even think about a date then at the very least we need to talk about the final decorations. And the seating chart. And about a million other things, and if I can talk you into a double date with me, I’m damn well going to.”

I’m trying to listen to her and focus on her words because that’s what a good friend would do, but I can’t take my eyes off the person behind my dad. I can almost see him, but not quite. He turns, and our eyes lock. I swear I can see they’re green from here. Oh fuck.

It’s him. It really is him, and I’m being consumed by fire and heat. I haven’t seen him in person since he left, and he only got hotter. And now when he’s looking at me I don’t feel any of that hesitation that I felt when I told him what I wanted. Instead he’s staring at me with singular purpose. What is going on?

“Earth to Nicola. Are you there?”

“Yeah,” I say, not looking away from Tristan. My heart is pounding in my chest and my palms—and other things—are suddenly slick with moisture. “We’ll set up a time to finalize prep this week, okay?”

“Okay,” she says, but she doesn’t look convinced when I glance at her. “You all right?”

“Fine,” I squeak out, even though I’m anything but fine in this moment. “I’m just going to be late for this focus group.” The blush climbing up my cheeks reveals I’m a liar, but I’m hoping she won’t call me on it. Tristan is still staring at me.

Jill gives me a smile, though her eyes are Copyright 2016 - 2024