Footprints In The Sand - Michelle Horst Page 0,36

the door with a glass of wine in her hand. “You joining us for dinner? Fede made her famous pizza,” she asks, stepping aside to let me in.

I shake my head. “No, but thanks. I was wondering if any of you have seen Jan, or heard from her?”

“She’s still not back? I haven’t seen her, but let me ask the girls.” She goes back into the apartment, leaving the door open. “Kelly, Fede,” Gemma calls out, “any of you seen Jan.”

“Nope,” Fede calls back. “Kelly is in the shower, she can’t hear you.”

I take a step into their apartment. It has the same layout as ours, only theirs is a total mess. You can see there are three women living here. Clothes, shoes, handbags, there is stuff scattered everywhere.

Gemma comes back shaking her head. “Kelly says no. Have you tried her phone again?”

I give Gemma a weak smile. “I have. I’m sure she just got stuck somewhere. You know me, I worry about everything,” I try to laugh the icy fingers of worry away.

I go back to our apartment and lock the door behind me. I stand in the middle of the apartment for hours, trying to think of some way to find Jan. I lose track of the hours and it starts to feel as if the walls are closing in on me. I run to my room and climb out the window. I climb the stairs and once I feel the grass beneath my feet, I look up and breathe.

“Lacey,” I hear my name and it sounds so familiar.

Shivers race down my spine. “Who’s there?” I call out, not believing my ears.

A man steps out from the shadows and the same horrible fear I felt on the day before, sinks heavy into my bones. I turn to run but he’s so fast. He grabs me and I’m about to fight back when his voice registers, “Lacey! It’s me, Seth!”

I turn back, shock quickly replacing the icy fear. I can’t believe my eyes! He’s gotten so big! I used to reach his shoulder easily, now I doubt that I’d reach his chest. His hair is a bit darker, but then I look into his eyes, eyes I’d recognize anywhere.

“What are you doing here?” I wheeze out the words. I can’t believe he’s standing in front of me after all these years.

“I could ask you the same thing!” he snaps. I’m confused when I see his anger. Why would he be angry with me? “What the hell, Lacey? What are you doing here?”

The words get stuck in my throat before they spill over my lips. “What are you talking about? I live here!”

He takes a step back, putting space between us. “You live here? Where?”

I’m starting to get really irritated with this interrogation. “Not that it’s any of your business,” I snap, “but I live with my friend, Jan.” Just saying her name reminds me that Jan is still not home and that sinking feeling returns.

“Jan?” There’s a look of understanding on his face. “Janice? You live with my Aunt Janice?”

Wait? What? Jan is his aunt? How did I not know this? “She’s your aunt?” I ask just to make sure I heard right.

“It was you Saturday morning, with the blue face and towel thingy?”

It takes a second for his words to sink in, and then a slow anger builds up in me. “You scared the shit out of me!” I slap his shoulder, but I only manage to hurt my hand that’s still tender from the cut.

“She’s gone, Lacey.”

I hear the words but they don’t make sense. “Who?”

“My aunt died yesterday. I’m here to sort all her affairs out.”

“What?” The word escapes on a gasp. I didn’t just hear that! It can’t be true! “No, no, she just went to work.” I can see the truth on his face and it stops my heart. “She’s gone?” I whisper more for myself. She was my person, the one I could count on. Without her I have nothing. She was my whole life!

I’m caught in a whirlwind of pain. I feel arms go around me and my cheek gets pressed against a hard chest. I take the comfort he is offering and wrap my arms around his waist. Together we stand comforting each other.


When I wake up the realization is a bitter pill to swallow. Jan is gone, just like that. She’s been ripped from my life.

My mind starts to race with things that have to get done. I get up, Copyright 2016 - 2024