Footprints In The Sand - Michelle Horst Page 0,35


“Yeah, we need to stock up on the caramel cookies, they go so fast. I’ll be in the back. Call me if you need me.”


Chapter Thirty-Two


I spent the whole day at the beach. There’s a hole where my heart used to be. I don’t have anything left for this world to take from me.

I let autopilot take over. There is no one to phone. She was the last of my family.

When I get home, I make a list of things to do. I’ll have to go by her apartment. Someone will need to pack her stuff. I glance at the clock and see that it’s already after midnight. I have an urgent need to be between Aunt Janice’s things. I grab my keys and I can’t get out of the house fast enough. I make it to Aunt Janice’s apartment in thirty minutes.

When I get to the door, I realize I don’t have keys to let myself in. I rest my head against the door, an overwhelming sorrow sweeping through me. I stand like that for a while before I remember the roof garden Aunt Janice has. I walk around the building and pull the stairs down. When I reach the top, I suck in a breath. It’s so beautiful up here. Aunt Janice must have left the lights on, not that I mind, it’s a stunning sight. I go to sit on one of the benches and lean back, just looking up at the stars.

I close my eyes and allow the sorrow to wash over me.

I hear someone come up the stairs and keep still, hoping whoever it is will just go away. I need this time alone before I have to arrange a funeral for the last person I loved.

At first I see a shadow, but when the person steps into the light, my heart stops. I blink a couple of times, thinking that I’m losing my mind.

She walks to the middle of the lawn before she looks up. It’s the most breathtaking sight I have ever seen. “Lacey,” I whisper her name, not wanting her to disappear.

Her head snaps down and she takes a step back. “Who’s there?” She keeps retreating and I get up quickly to stop her. I move from the shadows and watch as fear flashes over her face. She turns to run and I panic. I dart forward and quickly catch up with her. I grab hold of her arm, holding her back.

“Lacey! It’s me, Seth!”

She swings back, shock quickly replacing the fear. Her mouth drops open and then confusion blooms in her eyes. “What are you doing here?” she asks, obviously stunned by seeing me.

“I could ask you the same thing!” I snap before I can stop myself. Anger replaces the hollow feeling in my chest. “What the hell, Lacey? What are you doing here?”

I can’t believe I finally found her! I take in her shorts and t-shirt and I can’t help but admire her body. She’s become a beautiful woman.

She makes a choking sound and bewilderment darkens her eyes. “What are you talking about? I live here!”

She catches me off guard and I let go of her. “You live here? Where?”

“Not that it’s any of your business,” she snaps, “but I live with my friend, Jan.” A miserable look crosses her face.

“Jan?” The realization strikes like a lightning bolt. “Janice? You live with my Aunt Janice?”

Shock registers on her face. “She’s your aunt?”

“It was you Saturday morning, with the blue face and towel thingy?”

A flash of anger flits across her face. “You scared the shit out of me!” She slaps me on the shoulder, not packing much of a punch.

And then I remember and sorrow digs into my gut. “She’s gone, Lacey.”

Lacey looks up at me and blinks once. “Who?”

“My aunt died yesterday. I’m here to sort all her affairs out.”

“What?” She shakes her head in disbelief. “No, no, she just went to work.” She lifts her hand to her mouth and drops it again. She looks up to me and I can see her world shattering in her eyes, just like mine did. “She’s gone?” she whispers.

I can’t hold back and taking hold of her shoulders, I pull her to my chest. I wrap my arms around her. I can’t offer her any strength, because I have nothing left. All I can do is hold her.


Chapter Thirty-Three


There’s still no word from Jan as I walk over to number eight. I knock and wait for the girls to open up.

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