Five Little Words - Jackie Walsh Page 0,56

sit down on the big green sofa that stretches the length of the window. Rose sits beside me, giving one last glance around to make sure the coast is clear before opening her mouth.

‘I’m sure it’s nothing important but a couple of weeks back, a young girl came in here asking questions about you. She was about your age. Red hair – pointy chin. I couldn’t tell if her hair was long or short because she had a woollen hat on. One of those trendy ones everyone’s wearing now.’

I want Rose to get to the point quickly but, having worked with her, I know that’s a mammoth request. Rose has always taken the long route, describing the scenery on the way.

‘If I remember rightly, she was wearing small gold earrings, nice ones.’ Rose rubs her ear. I let out a long sigh which seems to do the trick because she ceases describing the mysterious girl’s jewellery and continues with the relevant details.

‘She asked me how long you had worked here. At first I thought it must be something to do with the baby about to be born. Maybe the local paper from…’ Rose leans forward expecting me to finish.


‘Yes, Ballycall. So, I answered her… but then I got a bit suspicious when she asked if I knew if you had ever been in trouble with the law.’

Blood rushes to my head. ‘Did she say who she was?’

‘She introduced herself at the start but it didn’t register with me… anyway, I told her I knew nothing and she’d be better off talking to Amanda. Amanda wasn’t here so I gave the girl her number.’

‘Could her name have been Vicky?’ I ask, my head light, my hand gripping the handle of the buggy like it’s about to roll down a slope. It has to have been Vicky Murphy, but why? Did somebody send her?

‘I suppose it could have been Vicky, but honestly I don’t remember,’ she says.

‘Don’t worry about it, Rose. I’m sure Amanda will be able to tell me.’ I try to look unbothered while my insides twist into knots. Turning my attention to Shay, I swallow hard.

‘She never rang Amanda,’ Rose mutters, brushing down her skirt before joining me to look at Shay. ‘I asked Amanda about a week later, but she said she didn’t get a call from anyone asking about you.’

Rose puts her hand on my arm. ‘I just wanted you to know, Laura, in case you heard from someone that she was in here. I wouldn’t like you to think…’

‘No… sure, don’t worry Rose, and thanks for telling me.’

Shay opens his eyes, pulling our attention his way.

‘Hello, little man,’ Rose says, smiling into the buggy.

I’m smiling too, but I don’t know how.

Chapter Thirty-Six

Amanda arrives in the lobby full of energy and smiles – a stark contrast to how I’m feeling. Rose’s words have put a stop to my enthusiasm and now I have to fake it. I do intend telling Amanda what Rose said and asking if someone did contact her, but first I just want to get out of this building into the open air.

Amanda hurries over to Shay, pushing her long shiny hair behind her ear before bending over to kiss him.

‘Hi, Shay. How is my little boy?’ He’s not her little boy. Shay is mine but I let it go and attempt to act as happy as she is.

‘He really is a little beauty, Laura.’ Amanda continues to look into the buggy. Eventually she turns her attention to me.

‘Love the hair,’ she says. ‘Was Georgina on duty again?’

‘No, I did it myself.’ The comfort of small talk no longer satisfies me. I unlock the buggy and suggest we leave.

‘Can we go?’

‘Yeah, what’s the hurry? Is everything okay, Laura?’

‘Yes, I just need to move… this place is so stuffy.’

It’s not stuffy at all. In fact, there’s almost an echo. Amanda doesn’t say anything as she pushes the door open for us to leave.

Outside, I stand still, hands gripping the handle as I take a deep breath. Noticing my anxiety, Amanda becomes concerned.

‘What is it, Laura? Did someone upset you?’

‘No, it’s just…’ I’m hesitant, why am I hesitant? I should be able to ask Amanda straight out if someone contacted her about me. But if she says yes, that means she hid it from me and I’m not sure I can handle any more disappointment. If she says no, then I’m left wondering what the hell Vicky Murphy wanted to know about me. Why was she Copyright 2016 - 2024