Fires of War (War and Deceit #4) - Erin O'Kane Page 0,23

steps between us, his eyes viewing me wearily. “But you are my friend, and there will always be a place for you at my side for as long as you want it.” His eyes flicker in the low light, but with his body sideways, his face is mostly in shadow, so I can’t see his expression. His silence makes me nervous, even more so because I can’t see his reaction. “Everything else we can work out as we go along.”

He continues to observe me for a few more seconds, then I see him nod. “Thank you.” His response sends a rush of relief through me, and I let out a deep breath as he turns and walks into the darkness.

Tension I hadn’t realised I was holding suddenly leaves my body, and the events of the day catch up with me. The fire of the gods restored my strength when it engulfed me this morning in the ceremony, but now my body aches. I still feel strong, which surprises me. I expected to feel tired, and while I feel emotionally exhausted, physically, I’m fine. It’s almost like a different part of me has awoken. Perhaps the ceremony triggered my hidden heritage to awaken. Vaeril has suspected for a while that some of my elvish traits, such as speed, have been hidden away, either by magic or of my own doing as a protection mechanism when I was a slave. Occasionally, they will slip out, so we know I possess these abilities, but it’s just figuring out how to unlock them permanently.

Frowning in the direction that Eldrin walked off in, I find myself rubbing at my sternum, right over the place in my chest where my bonds lie. Feeling confused and emotionally drained, I turn and make my way back to my friends, following the soft pull of Vaeril’s bond. A couple of people call out to me as I walk past, and I nod and raise a hand in greeting, but I don’t stop. There’s music playing now, and people are dancing, the sounds of laughter and happiness reaching me. The closer I get to Vaeril, the more at ease I feel, and I can appreciate the sights around me. The bonfire with Vaeril and Naril comes into view, and I notice Tor has joined them. As soon as he spots me, he pushes up from the bench and meets me halfway, opening his arms wide for me to step into his embrace.

“There’s my tribal mate,” Tor greets, his smile wide as he leans down to press a kiss to my lips. My surprise at his public show of affection is quickly wiped away by desire as his hands rub over my back. As he pulls away, I make a needy noise in the back of my throat I would usually be mortified at having made in public, but Tor just chuckles, his hold on me tightening possessively.

A presence arrives at my side, but I know it’s Vaeril without even having to look up, my chest doing a little flip the closer he gets to me. With Tor at my front, and my elven mate at my side, I feel something change within, heating me up from the inside. Shifting my weight from foot to foot, I try to relieve some of the feeling that’s growing within me.

Placing a hand on my chin, Vaeril gently pulls my face around to look at him, his silver brows set in a delicate frown. “What did Eldrin say? I felt your distress.”

I want to reach up and trace his features with my fingertip and memorise each inch, to take away his solemn and serious expression he always seems to be wearing. “He was just being Eldrin,” I reply with a shrug, distracted by the fact my body is still pressed against Tor, the clothing between us doing little to stop me from feeling his muscular body. “We worked it out.” I’ll explain later, I tell him with my eyes, hoping he understands. I know Eldrin wouldn’t want me discussing it with Tor around. I don’t trust my feelings right now, otherwise I’d push the thought through the bond.

Almost as if on cue, Tor moves his hand slightly on my back, and it’s a completely innocent move, yet it sets off a rippling effect in my body. My head rolls, and my back arches as much as it can in Tor’s hold, my body shuddering as a gasp of pleasure rolls through me from head Copyright 2016 - 2024