Firedrake - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,89

she didn’t know about them—and a whole lot else. I have a feeling her knowledge and contacts will come in handy in the years to come.”

Krysta reached back and kissed him. The confident words and the pride she felt from them bolstered her heart.

“She’s a spy?” Mace asked.

Drake nodded. “A master spy.”

“Sweet Mother,” Mace groused good-naturedly as he mounted Nellin’s back, “I’m surrounded!”

They laughed as they took to the skies after Wil, sparing a moment to wave to those left behind on land. Two gryphons took to the air nearby, with Lilith and Gerrow on their backs.

As they neared the shore, the gryphons veered away, the fair warriors on their backs waving in farewell. They made no sound, probably to preserve what little stealth the dragons could claim as they made their way back to their homeland. Drake wasn’t sure what dangers might await, though the wizard seemed certain the return trip would not be as easy as it seemed.

Gryphon Isle lay off the shore of the mainland, at a point that rested on the border of Draconia and Skithdron. They were very near the border even now, which wasn’t the safest place to be, but it would take some travel before they were deeper within Draconia.

Drake kept an eye out for anything that might look suspicious, but he had little experience with aerial reconnaissance. He’d never thought he could accept Jenet’s offer of knighthood.

“I’m counting on you, my friend,” Drake broached the topic, bridging the gap to Mace’s mind and including the rest of their party in the conversation. “I’ve never trained for this kind of work.”

It was a hard admission to make, but Drake needed to be up front with them. They all knew he wasn’t a trained knight, but they’d been too kind to point out his deficiencies. It was about time he faced facts.

“Don’t worry, you more than make up for it, Drake. I haven’t written any songs or lobbed any fireballs lately.” Mace’s tone was dry, but Drake felt the humor in his words.

“That may be, but right now I feel at a distinct disadvantage not knowing what I’m looking at from the air.”

“Nellin and I will keep watch with Mace and Prince Wil. If we see anything,” Jenet assured him, “we’ll point it out. It’s the only way you will learn.”

“Ah. We are home.” Nellin’s deep voice communicated his satisfaction as they crossed over the point where the sea ended and the beach began. The dragons began their descent. They’d all agreed to take a quick break when they reached the shore, even as close as they were to the winding border with Skithdron. The flight between Gryphon Isle and the mainland was a long one. The dragons could have gone farther, of course, but it was better to let their riders dismount and stretch their legs a bit every few hours.

Plus, it was nearing midday and the fair folk had given them more than enough provisions to make their way back. It would be good to eat something before they began the next leg of their long journey.

The inhabitants of Gryphon Isle also gave them warm cloaks and kitted Drake out with a spare shirt and leather leggings as well as a pack to keep them in. The garments and tack, made by their best artisans, were of the highest quality.

Drake had felt odd accepting such costly gifts at first, but the people had insisted, gifting them all with matching bags. Krysta especially loved the delicate designs on the leatherwork. She’d preened like a sparrow when she saw one of the packs was meant for her and thanked their hosts effusively.

The riders dismounted and Wil changed form so he could join them for a bit of lunch. They didn’t spend a long time at it, but ate well and quickly, stretching their muscles before remounting.

“It’s good to be back on Draconian soil,” Wil said contemplatively as he lingered over his last bite of seed bread. “I feel the land welcoming me. It’s a good feeling.”

“I know what you mean.” Drake nodded. “I finally returned just last week. I was dreading the meeting with my family, but it still felt good when I crossed that last border. Even though I knew I had to face my fathers.” Drake laughed wryly at his own fears.

“I feel some of that. I’m a little worried about how Rol will react,” Wil admitted with a shrug. “But all in all, it’s good to be home.”

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