Firedrake - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,88

the dragons reach their homeland. From there, it would be up to the small party to make their way safely back to the capital city and William’s family.

Lilith and Gerrow took their leave of William first, then passed a few words of farewell with the Draconian party. In particular, Lilith presented Krysta with a set of matching, incredibly beautiful fans. They looked normal enough at first glance, but when opened in a certain direction, they could be lethal. The intricate metal work was breathtaking and Krysta thanked Lilith profusely for the thoughtful gift. The fair warriors took their leave and positioned themselves near the gryphons, ready to fly when the dragons were.

Drake had mixed emotions about leaving. On the one hand, he needed to return to the castle, to fulfill his quest and his promises to Roland, Nico and especially to Declan. On the other, a whole new world had opened up to him and Drake wanted to explore it more fully under the wizard’s tutelage. The magic still mystified him, but it also intrigued him. Now that he knew it was there and how it felt to access it, he wanted to do it more often. He wanted to master this new skill and experiment with ways to use his fire.

But that would come, in time. Gryffid had been clear it was a matter of practice now that Drake was aware of his magic. Jenet had promised to help, as had Nellin, and Drake was looking forward to his next attempt to call his hidden fire.

“Practice, Sir Drake.” Gryffid walked up and clasped him on the shoulder. “Your fire is your birthright. Be wise in its use and learn to temper its ferocity and you should do well.”

“Thank you, my lord. This has been one of the strangest, and most enlightening few days of my life.”

Gryffid laughed at that. “You started on your quest a simple bard and return home a hero, a knight and a mage. I think you should write a song or two about your travels before some of your former colleagues get their hands on the tale and start to elaborate.”

Drake laughed, knowing just what the wizard meant. Bards were known for taking a tale and twisting it so that it seldom resembled the actual facts. Drake was careful to stay true—as much as he could—to actual events when he wrote his songs, but others were far less circumspect.

“Thank you for everything, my lord.” Mace came up beside them. “Most of all for returning Wil to his family.”

“He was never mine to keep, Sir Mace,” Gryffid replied. “I only wish I hadn’t had to do it this way. His family will be displeased, I fear, but there was no alternative. Please express my regrets to the royal family. I was an ally of their progenitor and that alliance stands firm. I and my fellows will stand with the dragons and knights of Draconia, and all the descendants of our ancient pact, should the worst come to pass.”

“We’ll do all in our power to prevent that, Gryffid.” Wil put his hand on the old man’s shoulders. He’d taken his leave of the fair folk and now moved to say goodbye to his mentor. Drake moved back, giving them some space.

Wil hugged the wizard tightly, and Krysta was touched to see the genuine affection on the wizard’s face as he returned the gesture.

“That’s just amazing.” Krysta marveled as the black dragon took to the sky. She’d never seen the change before, though she’d known about the shapeshifters of the Black Dragon Clan for some time as spymaster for the Wayfarer Clan. They’d acted as her conduits on occasion for information to pass between her clan and the leaders of all Jinn.

“You’re not too surprised, though, are you?” Jenet’s head butted Krysta companionably in the back as her voice sounded through all their minds.

“No. I’ve heard about black dragons before, though I’ve never seen it with my own eyes.”

Krysta turned to face the dragons, expecting more questions, but Drake scooped her up and threw her onto Jenet’s back without so much as a by-your-leave, and the moment was lost. The dragons didn’t seem too concerned with her knowledge, though Mace wore a bit of a frown between his dark brows. Drake took pity on the knight and explained.

“The Black Dragon Clan has quite a few shapeshifters among its ranks, Mace. Our mate is one of the best spies in all of the Jinn clans. I’d be disappointed if Copyright 2016 - 2024