Firedrake - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,73

far, he was getting a good response. It wasn’t just polite humoring, it was genuine enjoyment he read in their unconscious movements, the swaying of the crowd to the beat and the light in their eyes.

He was doing it. He was hitting his stride as the verses went on. At the humorous points in the song, the crowd laughed with him, caught up in the tale as so many had been before. When it came down to it, this audience was much like those he’d known before, just much prettier.

Drake relaxed as the tune ended with a flourish and was met with cheers from the fair folk. Zarat clapped him on the back, encouraging him to play another and Drake complied. This wasn’t so bad, really. He’d been concerned, but it looked like the fair folk did appreciate a rough human voice. For certain, they appreciated his songs. They laughed at all the right places and tapped their toes. Several couples started dancing when he played a lively reel and the other musicians joined in, adding drums, bass, Margan’s pennywhistle for trills and a score of other instruments all blending into a marvelous harmony of sound as the crowd danced.

They took a short break after about twenty minutes, and Zarat introduced all the members of their impromptu band. Drake shook hands with each and every one, amazed by the welcome he read in their eyes. He’d never played with finer musicians. Each was an artist.

Zarat saved his wife for last, and she gave Drake an unexpected hug. When she pulled back, there were tears in her lovely, pale eyes.

“You’re even more blessed than when I first heard you sing as a lad. Zarat didn’t believe me when I spoke to him of the human bard who had impressed me so. He thought it must be a Jinn mage, but I knew better. There was no magic in your song, only pure, raw talent. I’m glad to see it’s been nurtured and grown to such a level.”

Drake was humbled by her words, especially since he knew her own talent was incredible. She’d sung lilting descant harmonies with him just moments ago that threatened to mesmerize him so much he’d almost forgotten his own part of the song. She was a master not only of the pennywhistle, but of her amazingly delicate voice. That such a talented woman would compliment him meant more than he could say.

He told her as much, pleased when she blushed. “Oh, I’ve had more time than you’ll ever know to perfect my craft. That you humans do so over such short lifespans never ceases to amaze me. But then, you’re a knight now, and your dragon will grant you longer than normal life, but it is still short compared to our own.”

The thought startled him. His gaze shot to Jenet. “How are you doing, sweetheart?”

“We’re good, Drake. Mace is his usual silent self, but your lady is befriending the warrior woman in between listening to your songs. I don’t think they were prepared for how good you really are.” The dragon preened a little over the heads of the crowd and Drake felt her pride in him.

“Would you play ‘The Golden Beauty’, Sir Drake?” Margan regained his attention. “It’s one of my favorites that you’ve written.”

“It would be my honor,” he replied, as the minstrels sat once more. Everyone in the hall seemed to take that as a sign, and they settled down as well. Drake stood forth, in front of the group, addressing the crowd.

“I’ve been asked to sing one of my favorite songs for you.” He began to play the opening bars, instantly recognizable to those who’d heard it before. A hush fell over the crowd and eager faces turned to him. “But I think it safe to tell you, though only one other in all the lands knows this fact. ‘The Golden Beauty’ of whom I sing isn’t a human woman, as all seem to believe. Rather, she sits there, by the fire, with her mate. She is my sister, my fighting partner, my dearest Jenet, the dragoness.”

The crowd looked over as the stunning, peach-gold dragon blinked in surprise as she was singled out. She was so beautiful, even among the fair folk she stirred hearts to tears. She winked at Drake and the crowd sighed. It was clear the beauty was enjoying every moment of their attention, as was her knight. They were well matched indeed. Drake blew her a kiss as he Copyright 2016 - 2024