Firedrake - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,72

I’d be happy to give you a song.”

“It’ll be more than one, if I’m any judge.” Gryffid chuckled as Drake stood and made his way to where the minstrels had set up. Krysta watched him go with pride. She knew his reputation was well earned and she had even heard him perform once or twice in the distant past, though she hadn’t heard him recently. She was looking forward to his performance, knowing this time, this special man was hers.

Drake walked the gauntlet of tables filled with fair folk. It was disconcerting to say the least, but their friendly smiles and encouraging looks were familiar. He’d seen just such looks on the faces of tavern patrons and courtiers the world over. They were eager for entertainment, eager to hear him sing and tell his tales through music. His only job was to not let them down.

He’d never doubted his ability. Not since he was a teen and just learning his skills. But he doubted now, though he fought to not let it show. The speaking voices of the fair folk had enchanted him. He could only imagine what they sounded like in song. He didn’t think any human could hope to compete with such natural beauty, but he was damned well going to try. He would not bring shame to his own name or to his new family. He would give the finest performance any human bard could give and if he failed to please the fair folk, well, then, he’d given it his best.

The minstrels grinned in welcome and made a place for him at their center.

“I am Zarat,” another man introduced himself. He had golden-blond hair, not too much lighter than Drake’s own, though his skin tone was much fairer. “I’m honored to meet you. My wife had the good fortune to hear you play once in Helios when you were just a boy. Even then, she was impressed with your music.”

“Thank you.” Drake reached back in his mind for that long-ago trip to Helios. He’d only been about sixteen when his adopted Jinn clan had traveled to that distant land. Drake hadn’t returned there until just a few years ago, so Zarat must have been talking about that first trip, when Drake was still quite new to life as a Jinn minstrel. “Hopefully I’ve learned a thing or two since then.” Drake smiled, making an effort to charm the fair folk, who listened intently to every word he spoke.

“My wife, Margan, will be up in a moment. She plays pennywhistle. She’s just gone to fetch it from our home.”

“I look forward to making her acquaintance,” Drake answered politely.

“Which instrument would you prefer, Master Drake?” He swept his arm around the semi-circle of musicians who each held various instruments aloft in a signal they were willing to share with the newcomer. Drake was flattered by their offers. He knew what it was to let a stranger play a beloved instrument made just for you.

“A lute, if you have one. Though I will play anything you wish me to, if you have a preference.”

Drake would come to regret those impulsive words later in the evening as one instrument after another was thrust into his hands, but he took it all in good humor. He started with the lute, checking the tune automatically and marveling at the sweet, mellow tone of the lower string and the sparkling clarity of the upper. This was far and away one of the finest instruments he had ever had the pleasure of holding.

“My compliments to the luthier,” Drake remarked as he began a few warm-up fingerings and runs. The hall quieted as everyone listened. Drake knew he was the center of attention. He’d been in the same position many times before, but this was special somehow. The air vibrated with waiting. He took his time, limbering up fingers that hadn’t played in days.

When he was sure of himself, he began the introduction to one of his livelier compositions. It was a dance of sorts, though the lyrics told the story of an amorous young man and the fickle maiden who teased him. It sat well in his vocal range and was a particularly good warm-up. He knew he could sing it well, and if they wanted a second song after this, he would be in a good position to try something more challenging.

Drake launched into the lyrics, watching the faces of those around him. Smiles met his gaze, and toes were already tapping. So Copyright 2016 - 2024