Fire & Brimstone (Neighbor from Hell #8) - R.L. Mathewson Page 0,115

the hell are you talking about?”

She grumbled, “He wanted to talk about being gluten free, because his wife just found out that she has a gluten sensitivity and he wanted to know how to keep her safe.”

“Oh,” he said, digesting that as he continued to kneed her bottom.

“Yeah,” she said, sighing as she laid there.

“So, then there’s no reason for you not to come back?” he asked, wondering if he’d missed anything that the stubborn woman might use to argue her away out of this one.

“No,” she admitted, but he sensed a “but” in there.

“But…” he said, deciding to help her along for the sake of his sanity.

Sighing, she reached back and swatted his hand away so that she could climb off his lap, but she didn’t go far. Tearing a strangled groan from him, she threw her leg over his lap so that she was straddling him and in one move, slowly impaled herself on his cock that had been straining to get back to her since he’d pulled her mouth away.

“Everything okay?” she asked with that damn innocent expression that had caused him to lose his fucking mind more times than he could count.

Narrowing his eyes on her and trying not to think about just how fucking tight she was, he bit out, “Fine.”

“Good!” she said brightly as she shifted more than what was necessary in his opinion to get comfortable. “Now, where were we?” she asked, wiggling.

“You were just about to tell me how you were going to piss me off,” he reminded her, cupping her hips to stop the damn woman from wiggling again.

“Yes, yes I was,” she said with a firm nod and another fucking wiggle!

“Spit it out.”

Sighing, she tried to wiggle again, but he’d been ready for it and stopped her. “You don’t need to let me help run the Fire & Brimstone, Christopher,” she said, smiling as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and leaned in until her forehead touched his. “I miss the Fire & Brimstone and I miss you.”

“You see me every day,” he reminded her before adding, “and we both know that you’ve been running the Fire & Brimstone with me since the moment that you set your eyes on it. So, let’s not play this game. We’re getting married today, Rebecca, and then we’re going to run the Fire & Brimstone together, making it the best restaurant in the state.”

Smiling, she leaned in and quickly kissed him. “It already is the best restaurant in the state and seeing you after work isn’t the same and you know it,” she informed him in a teasing tone.

“It can always get better,” he reminded her, returning the kiss that had him struggling to focus on what mattered.

Getting this woman in front of a Justice of the Peace.

“I suppose it can,” she said, sounding a little distracted as she slid her fingers through his hair and raised herself up on her knees.

“It definitely can,” he said, using his hold on her hips to help guide her back down and making them both moan.

“Then should we discuss the terms of my return?” the frustrating woman asked as she tore a groan from him.

“Marrying me isn’t enough?” he asked, tilting his head so that he could kiss her better.

“No,” she said, chuckling as she slowly kissed him, “Not really.”

“You are a mean woman,” he said, smiling as he kissed her chin.

“But you adore me,” she reminded him.

“I love you,” he corrected her before adding, “and you fucking adore me.”

Smiling, she said, “Well, I might be in love with you, too.”

Chuckling, he cupped her beautiful face in his hands and leaned back so that he could look into her eyes. “Might be?”

She shrugged. “It’s a possibility.”

“So, then what’s the problem?” he asked, leaning in so that he could kiss her stubborn little chin simply because he couldn’t help himself.

“There’s really no problem, but I just think that we should discuss bonuses, raises, vacation time, my own office, an assistant, a few minions to be at my beck and call and-”

“You’re pushing it,” he said, chuckling as he leaned in to shut her up with a kiss.

“Yes, but you knew that I would,” the little demon proudly said.

“Yes, I did,” he said, keeping an arm wrapped around her so that he could lower them both back onto the bed. “And I expect that you’re going to do it for the rest of our lives.”

Threading her fingers through his hair, she gave him that grin that absolutely Copyright 2016 - 2024