Fire & Brimstone (Neighbor from Hell #8) - R.L. Mathewson Page 0,114

and fucked slowly and the next she was on her stomach with the man that she loved covering her and fucking her harder. He wrapped one arm around her and slapped his hand against the headboard in a desperate attempt to keep her from slamming into the wall with every hard thrust.

“Love you so fucking much,” he whispered hoarsely in her ear, making her toes curl and her breath catch as another orgasm took her by surprise and sent her screaming his name, which seemed to be exactly what he’d been waiting to hear.

He buried his face against hers and growled, “Rebecca,” sending her over the edge one last time and completely destroying her ability to tell him no ever again.

Sneaky bastard, she thought with a smile as she shoved him away so that she could push him onto his back, crawl back on top of him, close her eyes and decided to deal with the sneaky bastard after she took a little nap.

Chapter 57

“So,” the small woman that was going to be the death of him said as she allowed his cock to slip out of her mouth with a pop, waking him up so that she could ask, “what should we talk about?”

“I-” he started to answer, but the cruel woman apparently had no plans of letting him talk until she was ready, because she licked him from balls to tip, making it impossible for him to answer her.

“Because I was thinking about what you said last night,” she said conversationally as she wrapped her hand around his cock and gave it a squeeze.

“About getting married or the job?” he managed to get out as she continued to torment him.

“Both,” she said with a shrug as she leaned back over him and took his cock into her warm, welcoming mouth.

“Fuck,” he groaned when her lips wrapped around his shaft.

“Afterwards,” she said when she pulled back after slowly letting his cock slip free from her mouth this time before adding, “if you’re good,” with a wink.

“We’re getting married,” he bit out, deciding that this whole Bradford theory on marriage was definitely the way to go since it didn’t give her an option to tell him no.

When she shrugged like it was fine and continued sucking on his cock, he decided to take that as a win and move on. “You’re also going to help me run the Fire & Brimstone,” he said, moaning as he placed his hand on her back, encouraging her to continue as he explained his plans.

“You don’t need my help,” the stubborn pain in his ass said as she released his cock to argue with him.

“Yes, I do,” he bit out, wondering why she was arguing with him now when she’d spent the last five years doing everything she could to prove that he couldn’t do it without her.

She shook her head, which he had to admit sent a very interesting sensation down his cock and pulled back so that she could keep arguing with him. “The Fire & Brimstone is yours,” she said, pissing him off.

“It’s ours,” he corrected her, deciding that maybe he should take over again if they had any hopes of getting through this conversation without killing each other.

Sitting up, he took her by surprise, picked her up and laid her across his lap so that they could clear a few things up. “Okay, let’s talk about a few things, shall we?” he asked, resting his arms across the wiggling woman as she tried to climb off his lap.

“Seriously? You’re going to manhandle me now?” she snapped, continuing with the squirming.

He ignored her question and moved on, deciding that they’d wasted enough time arguing. “You’re going to have to turn down that asshole and tell him that you already have a job,” he said since that needed to be cleared up immediately.

She stopped squirming on his lap to throw him a questioning look over her shoulder. “Who?”

“That asshole from the bar,” he said while his hand found her ass and stayed there since it soothed him.

When she continued to blink, he said, “The guy that talked your ear off for over an hour last night.”

She blinked, again.

“The guy that offered you a job!” he snapped, giving her ass a squeeze because he’d earned it for the bullshit that she put him through.

“Nobody offered me a job,” she said with a sigh as she folded her arms beneath her head so that she could use them as a pillow.

Frowning, he asked, “What Copyright 2016 - 2024