Finding The Lost Mystic Islan - Liberty Parker Page 0,48

simply need to ensure its safety for the time being.”

“Wait,” Vaughn interjects. “It’s been safe this entire time in Scar’s bag alongside him. Why now that you know its location do you think something would happen to find it? If we all have the same goal, which I believe we do, then what’s the big deal allowing this town’s trusted sheriff to hold on to it? Clearly he needs it to decode the grimoire, another piece of evidence that was left specifically for him.”

“I’d like to know this myself as I’m not giving that piece of evidence up for my life. It was addressed to me specifically, for a reason,” I sternly insist.


“Excuse me, excuse me,” Glorianna interrupts, looking up to Caspen. “Do you not find it suspicious that it was found in a crib, in a nursery, right next to a cub?”

Confusion paints Caspen’s face as he appears to be pondering something. With a slight tilt of his head, he answers, “Possibly? Where are you going with this, Glorianna?”

I watch as she hesitates and audibly swallows. “Well, these gemstones were known to hold an array of magic within them. Their owners were witches, and the stones were passed down generationally to the next female witch within those families, each time building their power; hence the reason the High Priest and Priestess of those four covens had them destroyed, allegedly. Until now, it was only a rumor that there was still one out there somewhere, the same as it was only a rumor that the other three had been cast away. Y’all, we literally have a piece of something extremely powerful that until now was only hearsay as to whether the artifact itself was even still around.”

“Sorry to interrupt, but you’re rambling, Glorianna,” I begin and feel a tiny zap of electricity course through my body, momentarily stunning me. I look down at Em and feel her displeasure at my words. Well, this is certainly new. Me, the mother being chastised by her own daughter. Placing my hand on her cheek, I feel her communicate that this is somehow of grave importance and to pay close attention. “Apologies, Glorianna. We need all the details, please continue.” I can feel the heat of Trigger’s eyes laser in on me. We’ll have to discuss what just happened later as I can sense his eager desire to know.

“Thank you,” Glorianna acknowledges. “Their magic is always tied to their generational owner and if attempted to be removed from them, it could cause massive damage, including death, to the one who takes it. In other words, the gemstones were never far from their keeper. Always within a half-mile or so radius. And let’s not forget the part that I know we all heard as children that the rightful owner must give permission for its magic to be used on, or by another.”

“But Scar is no witch, he’s a leopard cub,” Shyla abruptly inserts. “So that makes zero sense.”

“I agree,” Caspen adds, with his arms folded over his chest.

“These gemstones can be used for many things, not to mention they were created by witches—powerful witches. What’s the one thing that most, well, any smart witch adds into her spells when casting?” Glorianna asks, looking around the room.

Emmaline reaches up amidst the silence that surrounds us and touches my cheek. “A loophole!” I decree, after the telepathic communication from my girl.

“Exactly!” Glorianna excitedly agrees while pointing her finger at me. “It seems to me that it was with Scar for a reason. I don’t know about any of you, but until we can get a witch in here that we trust, I don’t suggest that thing stray too far away from Scar. Unless you want to test that theory and risk your life?”

“Then it’s settled. I’ll be staying with you until we can get a trusted witch here and figure this thing out,” Caspen tells Shyla with a wink.

“Oh no you don’t, Casanova,” Trigger imparts.

“You would challenge an elder of the council?” Caspen questions in a threatening tone.

Shyla and I both step in between our mates and can feel the tension ease once we do. “How about we all get some much-needed sleep and reevaluate this in the morning?” I suggest.

Shyla pulls Scar close into her chest. “I agree. I will not have either of you taking any chances where the safety of my son is concerned. He is not an object whose life can potentially be bargained with and that is final. This is reckless behavior Copyright 2016 - 2024