Finding The Lost Mystic Islan - Liberty Parker Page 0,13

down some questions I have for the two of them and prepare to head out when I feel the need to stop by the hospital.

As soon as I head out to my SUV, my bear, who has been an asshole already, calms slightly. I still feel the necessity to get there as quickly as possible so I throw my lights and sirens on in order to navigate my way without any bullshit.

Once I pull into the parking lot and park my vehicle, I sense that my mate is inside and she needs me. Yesterday, I just happened to be there when she passed out. Her friend, Shyla, let me help her get Vaughn to her house but then pretty much shooed me away, saying she was more than capable of handling the situation. Neither my bear nor I were happy about her doing that, and I actually sat outside for about three hours until I got the sense that Vaughn was okay.

Now, though, whatever is going on has me practically running through the hallways to get up to the nursery since I know that’s where my mate is.

Mate. I shake my head since that was never on my radar and quite honestly, I’m so set in my ways, I can’t see myself living with someone regardless of whether or not they’re my fated mate.

Except… there’s something about Vaughn that pulls me to her like a magnet. From the little interaction we’ve had so far, I can tell she’s as committed to her work and responsibilities as I am, so how would that even work? She’s definitely attractive enough, although, from what I know of mates, that isn’t really the driving force. Once I’m on the correct floor for the nursery, I slow my steps so I don’t look like a maniac and move toward the door where the babies are kept.

“Sheriff, what are you doing here?” Vaughn asks as I step inside the locked quarters. I notice that she’s holding the baby she was cradling yesterday before she passed out. Her face flushes a bit and I catch a hint of her arousal which causes my own body to react.

“Not really sure,” I admit, running my hand through my hair. “I just… fuck, I felt like you needed me for some reason.” Now I feel like an ass because my intentions were to go check out the woods, or attempt to, but the worry for my mate won out in the end.

I notice that her face is looking a bit pale and move closer to her side. “That’s weird because I felt like I needed to be here for her,” she quietly says, looking back down at the baby girl in her arms.

“Are you okay?” I ask, needing to know for certain how she’s doing.

“I’m fine, why are you asking? In fact, I could ask you the same thing.”

I feel a bit lightheaded and the sensation is so unfamiliar that I’m not sure what to do with it. Grabbing a chair, I sit down next to her and reach out a hand to touch the baby. “I’m good but you look paler than you did when I came in. She’s a cute little thing, isn’t she?” My finger lightly strokes the baby’s cheek and I feel a zap of electricity course up my arm. Don’t ask me how, but I know from one supernatural to another, that this is Emma communicating with me.

“She’s definitely adorable. There’s something about her, Trigger. She’s different but I don’t know how. All I know is I’m drawn to her for some unknown reason.”

“You scared the shit out of me yesterday. Seeing you laid out on the floor unmoving wasn’t something I ever want to experience or witness again.” Great, now I’m sharing my feelings like a lovesick cub. Yet, she almost compels me to lay my soul bare to her for some reason. If this is what mates do, then I’m not sure I’m the man for the job.

I’ve always been a loner. I’ve lived my life on my terms, not caring about anyone else’s feelings. I never deliberately hurt anyone, but I’m sure my gruff demeanor hasn’t made me a wealth of friends. That this woman before me is causing these changes is baffling in many respects.


The sense of urgency I felt to get to Emmaline dissipated when I cuddled her into the cradle of my arms. Shyla is off checking on the other baby while I snuggle this little one close. I Copyright 2016 - 2024