Finding The Lost Mystic Islan - Liberty Parker Page 0,12

whatever it is,” she says as she too grabs her mug, keys and purse, then joins me at the door. “Well, come on, we don’t have all day,” she says, basically shoving me out the front door.

“Oh fun, you’ve got jokes today,” I sarcastically say as I roll my eyes. “And, if you recall, it was you who stopped me.”

“No time to debate who is right and wrong. I can feel how worried and upset you are. We’ll hash this out later.” She smacks me on the ass in an attempt to get my feet to move faster.

“Hey.” I smack her rump back as she passes in front of me. “No time for foreplay, miss, we have places to be and things to do.”

As we make our way into her vehicle, she turns to me and asks, “Would one of those things needing to get done today happen to involve a growly bear?” She playfully wiggles her eyebrows up and down in a dramatic show of affection.

“I don’t have time to think about him today, nor the fact that I may or may not have found my mate. There’s too much happening to stop and smell the roses so to speak. This mate thing is happening at the wrong time.”

“Mates come into our lives when we need them the most,” she informs me as if I am not aware of this fact.

“But I don’t have time,” I whisper as a tear streaks its way down my cheek. “These children, these women, they are my top priority right now. I can’t lose track of what’s important.”

“And your mate doesn’t make it on that list?” she asks me as she backs out of the driveway.

“I wish things were different, but as it stands, no, he can’t.”

“Then you’re a fool. Don’t let him get away, Vaughn. We’re never promised tomorrow or second chances.”

“I can’t split my time, Shyla. These victims need me more than I need a mate. Their lives depend on me doing my job.”

“You can’t save everyone, Vaughn.”

“I can try,” I answer in a low, hopeful tone. “If he’s meant to be mine, he’ll wait for me just as I’ll wait for him.” That’s the last I care to speak of on this subject. She’s my best friend, I need her to support me and back me up, not belittle or degrade me.

The rest of the ride to the hospital is done in complete silence. I know she wants to argue with me on my choices, but she knows how stubborn I can be once I set my mind to something. No matter how many arguments she makes, I will rebuke them and do what I feel is right. I made promises when I took this job. I pride myself in keeping my word to others, and this is just too damn important to put my personal life first.

Please wait for me, Trigger, I silently beg, knowing that we’re meant to be… just not right now.



“Enough!” I bark out loud to my bear. He’s been clawing at my insides since he woke me up at four in the fucking morning. Since I enjoy my slumber, I’m not exactly in the best of moods and his behavior has grown increasingly erratic. Here it is going on seven and I’ve already showered, shaved, eaten and am ensconced in my office once again, sifting through the files. Gaia, in all her helpfulness, left a sheet of ‘cheat words’ on my desk, the little smartass. I knew what a damn veil was, I just wanted her to explain her conclusions and outing to me. Although I am a predator shifter, I don’t have as much familiarity with other supernaturals so I commit the list to memory then slide it under my calendar for easy access.

This whole veil thing is confusing as fuck to me. I don’t have the capabilities to make a rift in time and space, which means that the whole thing is fucked up in my mind. Most supernaturals are immortal unless they sustain a killing blow that removes their head from their body. No one comes back from that shit and I should know since I’ve dispensed that form of justice to many who’ve run afoul of the supernatural council. Shaking my head to clear my cloudy thoughts, I look once again at the file laid in front of me. Something, call it instinct, tells me that there’s more than meets the eye when it comes to Echo and Ronan. I jot Copyright 2016 - 2024