Fight, Jamiee - Ellie R. Hunter Page 0,39

the last place I thought I’d end up in again.”

“If I had my way, you’d be here every night.”

Slamming my lips to hers, she eagerly kisses me back. It’s been far too long since I was last inside of her. I just hope I don’t embarrass myself.



My memory hasn’t served him justice. As he lays beside me with his arm tucked under his head and the sheets down his legs, I take in every inch of him. The tattoos of demons and song titles of their number one hits. The scruff of hair over his chest, and the trail leading down his stomach. The muscles rising and falling with every breath he takes. I could stare at him until the end of time, and not once find myself bored. My relationship with Deacon wasn’t all bad in the beginning. We had our moments, and we did have more happier times than bad, but I don’t remember wanting to watch him while he slept. He truly was a distraction I needed at the time.

Freddie wasn’t only my first love—he’s my only love. This is it for me, and I can only hope he doesn’t let me down again. While I can’t be dramatic and say I won’t survive, I can see my heart breaking beyond repair.

“Have you been watching me?” he asks, his voice thick with sleep.

Rolling onto his side, he takes me with him. I’m exactly where I want to be.

“So what if I have? You got a problem with that?”

His lips make their way across my neck and over my shoulder, sending tingles down to my toes.

“Absolutely not. I’ve waited a long time to wake up beside you. Seeing you happy is how I want to start every day.”

His teeth dig into my skin and I yelp. “Hey, watch it.”

His chest heaves with laughter and I freeze. “What is it?” he asks, noticing the shift in me.

“What time is it? You’re meant to sign in with the sheriff.”

He relaxes as he lays back down. “It’s after noon, and I’ve already been. I was going to wake you when I got back, but I was too tempted to join you.”

Before I see it coming, he’s rolled me onto my back, making himself comfortable on top of me, edging his body down so he’s lying between my legs. His head dipping to place soft kisses across my stomach, working his way up under my boob.

“This is real, isn’t it, Freddie?”

His hair falls over his eyes as he jerks his head up to look at me. His brows knit together as he ingests my question, shaking his head to move the strays without having to use his hands, that are currently holding my waist.

“It’s real, sweet thing. You’re the only thing in my life that’s real these days. Being here in the middle of nowhere, and knowing the reason why, feels like a dream I had a week ago. But seeing you every day, knowing you’re sleeping under the same roof as me—in the same bed—brings reality back to me, and finally, it makes sense to me.”

A slow smile spreads across my face, and I lift my hand to capture the hairs still slipping down over his face.

“Not a lot makes sense to me at the moment. I need a little more time to catch up with you,” I admit.

“Hey.” He angles his head so he can kiss the pad of my thumb. “You will. I have zero concerns we’re not heading in the same direction.”

I was always the one heading in this direction; it was him who had to catch up. It’s funny how the tides have changed.

“No more detours, though, right?” he asks.

“No detours, from either of us.”

A loud rumble fills the space between us, and I laugh at my stomach’s interruption.

“You’re hungry. I’ll make us breakfast.”

“Damon might be down there. How are you going to explain bringing breakfast up here?”

“If he really wants to hear what I’ll have to say, he’ll wish he never asked. We don’t have to hide anything, not anymore.”

I laugh. It’s hard to believe this really is happening. Before, he would’ve snuck me out of his room before everyone woke up. Or he’d slip out of my room before the sun came up.

I watch like a perv as he dresses and heads out the door.

Making my way to his bathroom, I stare at myself in the mirror, the physical reminders of Deacon almost fading to nothing.

I find a new toothbrush in the cupboard and brush Copyright 2016 - 2024