Fiftysix - Seven Rue Page 0,94

make it unavailable for anyone.

I looked at Kennedy who knew all about what Riggs made me do with my website, and even she looked confused until she realized what was going on and had to hold back a grin.

Just play along, Val.

“Yeah, that’s kinda rude. But I guess now you can get rid of that link yourself,” I suggested.

“I wasn’t going to send it to your dad, you know that, right?”

My frown deepened. “I’m sorry?” Was I hearing correctly? “Then what were all those fucking threats about?”

Cedric rubbed the back of his neck and shrugged, looking like a little boy who just got caught stealing candy.

“Come on, Val. I was just messing with you. I got a proper beating when I got home that day, and the principal making me stay every day after school for the rest of the semester.”

I looked past him and saw Mr. Thompson standing outside his office with his arms crossed over his chest and a deep crease between his brows.

Mr. Trapani was standing next to him, and I sighed, knowing this apology didn’t come from Cedric himself.

I looked back at him and raised a brow. “Just stop being a fucking idiot, all right?” I suggested.

He shrugged. “I’ll try. I’m sorry. And I’m sorry about your site. Really would’ve loved to see what you were hiding on there.”

I flicked my middle finger against his forehead in response to his yet again inappropriate words, and Kennedy laughed as he stepped back like a hurt little lamb.

“Jesus, I’m sorry, Valley. I won’t talk about it anymore, and I didn’t tell anyone about it. Only the boys know, but I will make sure they keep their mouths shut as well.”

“Good. Now, leave. I don’t wanna see your face anymore,” I said.

He looked back at Mr. Thompson, and once he gave a nod of approval, Cedric left.

“What an asshole,” Kennedy muttered.

“Couldn’t agree more.”

“Miss Bentley! My office.” I sighed as I heard Mr. Thompson call out to me, and I shut the locker with a roll of my eyes.

“I’ll see you in class,” I told Kennedy, then I walked across the hall to his office where they were already sitting in their chairs.

I closed the door behind me and walked over to the empty chair next to Mr. T., and when I sat down, both of them cleared their throats.

“Go ahead,” Mr. Thompson told Mr. Trapani, and I turned to face him with a questioning look.

“I had to tell him about it or else he couldn’t issue any consequences. But know that your…hobby is safe with us.”

At this point, I didn’t care about who knew, since there was no evidence to prove I was a cam girl.

“Anything else?”

“Yes,” Mr. Thompson said, making me turn my head and look at him. “I wanted to congratulate you on how well you’re doing academically. All your teachers are satisfied with your homework and assignments, and you somehow managed to pull that A minus in Chemistry into an A plus. We wanted to reward you, as we think you’ll be one of our best students ever. Not even your father had such perfect grades.”

I smiled, because as wild as I seemed on the outside, I was proud of myself for being smart, even kicking some of the nerds’ asses in most classes.

“This is a hundred-dollar gift card for you to spend in whatever store or restaurant around town,” Mr. Thompson said as he pushed the card over to me on his desk.

I knew about those gift cards. People could purchase them at the town hall, and mostly were gifted at Christmas or Birthdays.

It was a great gift when you didn’t want to worry about what to buy for someone, and this way, you could choose how to spend that money.

I smiled at him and reached for it. “This is great! Thank you so much,” I said, proud of myself for everything I’ve achieved so far.

“You’re welcome, Miss Bentley. Now, go to class. Don’t wanna ruin your perfect attendance.”

“Nope, and I won’t. Thank you again,” I said, standing up and smiling at both of them before leaving the office.

I guess telling Mr. T. about it wasn’t such a bad thing after all, and now they had a few more things to dream about at night because of me.

Too bad Mr. T. didn’t have a chance with me anymore, now that I belonged to Riggs.

I headed into class and sat down next to Kennedy as she looked at me with a concerned look. “Everything okay?” she Copyright 2016 - 2024