Fiftysix - Seven Rue Page 0,93

of him was new, but as gentle as he was right now, I knew he wouldn’t hold back while he was inside of me.

My heart couldn’t stop pounding, and when he broke the kiss, he finally pulled my panties down and settled himself between my legs with his hand around his shaft now.

“You’re so damn gorgeous, baby. I’m not letting you go. You’re mine, and I will show you each fucking day that you belong to me.”

I was starting to love his promises, no matter how harsh or aggressive they were.

He meant it, and that’s what mattered most to me.

“Show me,” I whispered, cupping his face with both hands and feeling the tip of his cock rub against my entrance.

“I want you to show me.”

With one swift move he slid into me, stretching and filling me in a way only he could.

I moaned, throwing my head back as he started to thrust in and out of me with force, keeping his promise and making me feel whole.

As much as I loved his rough side, and the way he punished me when I was being naughty and misbehaved, I loved this new side of him he was showing me almost as much.

“You look happy today,” Kennedy said as she stopped next to me by my locker, and I lifted my gaze from my phone to look at her with a bright smile.

“I am happy.”

It’s been a few days since Riggs and I unofficially made it official. We both knew being together would be difficult if it someday came out to the public, but for now, we enjoyed this little secret and kept it to ourselves.

I could already sense my parents getting mad at me, and even Riggs, because our age difference wasn’t the only thing that could seem immoral.

Riggs has been friends with Della and Dad for years, even before I was born, and considering how strict Della can be, I’d expect her to freak out and call me all kinds of names.

“Did he unblock you?” she joked, making me laugh.

“Yeah, believe it or not, but this isn’t my second phone. He said he wants to be the only man texting me dirty things, so I shut off the other one.”

I still received messages from some of the other men, mostly dick pics and videos of them stroking their cocks. But as much as I missed camming already, I was content with my life and having Riggs by my side.

“Well, I’m happy you’re happy. Can you believe us both being in relationships at the same time?” she asked, leaning against the lockers.

“The fact that we even have boyfriends is what’s surprising,” I said, grinning at her.

“We should go on a double date. Maybe go to a bar or something. A nice restaurant,” she suggested.

“Not sure Riggs would be up for that. He’s a selfish old man who likes to keep me hidden from the world when he has the chance to.”

“Aw, come on…I’m sure he can give up his possessiveness for one night.”

I doubted that.

“I’ll see what I can do.”

I looked back down at my phone and finished typing the text I was about to send him.

He wanted me to come over after class, and I agreed to go once I did my homework so I wouldn’t have to worry about it over the weekend.

See you soon, handsome, I texted, watching as the typing bubble popped on his side of the chat.

Can’t wait, he simply replied, and I could literally hear his deep, growly voice.

“Did you hear anything from Cedric since that day he threatened you?” Kennedy asked, and when I looked up I noticed why she mentioned that douche.

He was walking toward us, his face stern but his walk unsure.

“What does he want now?” I mumbled, turning with my head high and waiting for him to stop in front of me.

“Can we talk?” he asked, his voice as annoyed as ever.

I shrugged, waiting for him to continue.

He sighed and looked around, then leaned in closer so he didn’t have to talk too loudly. “I don’t know what the hell happened but I’m sorry your page got deleted. Kent was the one playing around with it, so it’s on him.”

I frowned.


“Jesus, your website. I was the only one who had the link to it, and I don’t know how he got it or found it, but the page’s gone now.”

I was confused at first, but then I realized that he had no idea I was the one pausing the page to Copyright 2016 - 2024