Fiftysix - Seven Rue Page 0,56

which was big enough for two, and before walking back down, I checked my second phone to see if I had gotten any sweet messages from any of the men.

And, surprise surprise…Garett texted me asking if I had time for him tonight.

Well, seeing as Kennedy was out and probably wouldn’t wake up again, I could easily sneak back into my room and put on a show for Garett.

I texted him back that I would be ready in fifteen minutes, then I quickly ran downstairs to put the blanket over Kennedy’s body and then dashed back upstairs.

I locked myself in the room just in case she would wake up, then I turned on my laptop and set up the webcam to then change into something sexier.

The ski mask was what I pulled over my head last, making sure it sat right and didn’t show unnecessary parts of my face.

When I was ready to accept Garett’s call, I pressed the green button and he appeared on my screen with a bright smile on his face.

“I’m so happy to see you. I’m glad it worked out for you, Dove,” he said.

Garett was naked already, rubbing his cock slowly and keeping his eyes directly on me.

“Of course. After leaving you hanging a few nights ago, I had to make it up to you,” I purred, changing into my naughty self.

“Mhmm. I did go out that night and tried to find someone to spend some time with,” he told me, as if I didn’t know about that already.

“And did you find someone to keep you company?” I asked, starting to play with my bra strap to get his mind off our conversation and hurry things up a little.

“No. There was no one who could fill the void and need inside of me. You’re the only one I was thinking of the past few days, Dove,” he told me, his voice cracking and sounding defeated.

That’s not how he seemed at dinner.

He definitely knew how to act around other people and not seem desperate.

“I’m here now, aren’t I? What do you want me to do, daddy?”

For some reason, calling him that sent shivers down my spine but not in a good way.

The fact that Riggs, his brother, didn’t like being called that made me dislike the nickname as well.

But Garett wasn’t Marcus or Riggs’s brother tonight, and I wasn’t Valley.

I was Dove.

Whatever sick and twisted shit my brother was doing in my guest room, I shouldn’t have stood there for that long.

I also shouldn’t have listened in on all the things he wanted that girl talking to him to do.

Lastly, I definitely shouldn’t have gotten a fucking boner from hearing that sweet voice coming from Marcus’s laptop.

It couldn’t be her.

Marcus called her Dove, but then again…she called him Garett.

What the fuck is going on?

That voice nestled itself deep inside of my brain, not getting out again and making me clench my fists tightly while stopping the urge of pushing open the door and seeing for myself what was going on.

“Keep those legs spread wide, Dove,” he ordered, which immediately made me angry.

If that girl really was Valley, she wouldn’t get away with this shit easily.

I had to be careful though, as I had no proof other than the voice I was hearing.

But then, girls, especially cam girls one of which I assumed he was talking to, had to use those high-pitched and teasing voices to turn men on even more.

I listened closely, waiting for her to say another word.

“Like this, Daddy?”

Jesus Christ.

“Just like that, Dove. Fuck, I’m so damn close.”

I had to leave.

“I wish you’d take off that ski mask,” he then said, making me stop in my tracks and listen in a little longer.

Ski mask? What the actual fuck?

“You know I can’t do that,” she told him in a calm yet determined voice.

When Marcus let out a loud groan, it was finally time for me to leave and mind my own business.

It was wrong standing there and eavesdropping on my brother doing whatever the fuck he was doing in there, but that voice still stuck with me.

It reminded me so much of Valley, and I had to somehow find out if it’s really her.

The time we spent together a few days ago was intense.

Never had I thought she would let me do whatever I wanted to her body, but everything I did, she took it like a pro and enjoyed every second of it.

Her liking anal was somewhat of a surprise, but there never seemed to Copyright 2016 - 2024