Fiftysix - Seven Rue Page 0,51

let her fuck another guy my age, or any other man on this planet.

She was mine now, and I hoped she realized that and wouldn’t go fuck around with others.

Not that she did that anyway, but I had to show her that from now on, I was her only one.

I reached out my hand to cup one of her tits, squeezing it tightly and pulling at her nipple while continuing to fuck her hard.

“Eyes on me,” I said, and she listened as always.

Her beauty added to the excitement inside of me, making my dick throb even more by just looking into those pretty eyes.

“Harder,” she moaned, making me grin and grip her hip again, but in this position we were in, I couldn’t give my all.

I pushed her legs down to one side so she had to turn slightly, allowing me better access to her pussy.

I placed one hand on her ass while pushing against the underside of her thigh, then I started to move my hips again to keep fucking her.

She clenched her walls around me, letting me know that she was already close. I was far from it though.

“Don’t come yet,” I muttered, lifting my hand and slapping her ass hard to make her feel something other than the orgasm building inside of her.

But who was I fucking kidding…this was Valley, and of course she only got turned on more by my spanking.

Her moans got louder with each thrust, and I focused on myself rather than her, wanting to fill her pussy with my cum.

I was holding back in a way, but also wanted to come already.

Valley must’ve noticed my indecisiveness, so she reached behind her back and toward my dick to cup my balls in her hand.

She knew how to drive me mad, and I let her do whatever was needed to release myself inside of her tight hole.

Her ass was bright red from my hips slapping against her skin, and while she continued to tug and squeeze my balls, the tension inside of me moved from my toes all the way up into my abdomen, where the orgasm exploded unexpectedly.

It was needed, because fucking her any longer would’ve become painful.

I emptied my load inside of her, watching as the cum oozed out between her folds and along my shaft.

Her breathing was just as heavy as mine, but since she didn’t come yet, I pulled out and knelt in front of her again, spreading her legs wide and licking along her slit to get to her clit and start flicking my tongue against it.

I didn’t care tasting my own cum, and since it was mixed with her juices, it didn’t taste half bad.

“Oh, yes!” she cried, pulling at my hair again and circling her hips to rub her pussy against my mouth.

“Please don’t stop, Riggs. Make me come,” she told me through gritted teeth, and luckily it didn’t take too long for the orgasm to wash over her in an instant.

Her head was thrown back against the table and her back arched while I licked through her slit one last time before getting back up on my feet to watch her slowly come down from her high again.

I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, then moved my hands along her sides to cup her tits to make her relax her body.

“This is how it’s going to be from now on, Valley. I fuck you whenever I want to, wherever I want. And we will both come. I don’t care how or when, but when I fuck you, I’ll please us both,” I promised her, making a small and exhausted smile appear on her lips.

Her eyes opened again, looking back into mine. “Okay,” she whispered, her breath hitching in her throat.

I eyed her for a while until I had calmed down myself before pulling at her hands to make her sit up straight.

I cupped her face with both hands and leaned in to kiss her lips.

She placed her hands on my stomach, pushing my shirt upward and caressing my skin before nudging my shirt further up, wanting it off.

Guess it was only fair since she was naked already.

I broke the kiss and pulled my shirt over my head, then threw it on the ground and picked her up with my hands cupping her ass.

She wrapped her legs around my hips and I carried her through the living room to get to my favorite place in my house.

I had a heated indoor pool looking over the Copyright 2016 - 2024