Fiftysix - Seven Rue Page 0,50

show her that I wasn’t going to continue if she didn’t respond.

“Yes, I’ll behave,” she whispered, her hand reaching for my hair again.

That was good enough, and I leaned in, with my eyes closed this time, to finish what I had started.

Her hips bucked more and more the faster I flicked my tongue against that little nub, and her fist in my hair pulled tightly at my hair to steer me the right way to the right spot.

“Oh, yes…please, don’t stop,” she cried, and without being an ass for once, I let her reach exactly what she aimed for.

Her head fell back, and although the orgasm hit her hard, she kept my head right there for me to continue lick her throbbing clit.

“God!” she whimpered, making me grin as now her body started to shake uncontrollably.

This was just as much torture as not letting her come, seeing as the feeling only intensified inside of her.

So instead of telling me to continue, she mumbled for me to stop.

“Riggs…” she breathed, trying to push me away this time.

She really needed to figure out what she wanted, but either way, I would do the exact opposite to show her who was in control.

I looked up at her with my mouth still covering her folds and swallowing every last drop of my saliva mixed with her wetness.

Valley had lost her strength, and her body was slowly shutting down while her brain fogged up from pleasure.

I had to stop before I couldn’t use her for more tonight, so I licked through her folds one last time before standing up and leaning over her to kiss her passionately.

She was still in some kind of trance, and while I twirled my tongue around hers, I pushed her dress further up to cup her needy tits.

“More?” I murmured into the kiss, and she nodded her head while still recovering from what I just put her through.

“Tell me what you want,” I said as I leaned back to look into her face.

Her cheeks were red in contrast to her pale skin, and her blue eyes looked more gray.

“I want you to fuck me hard,” she whispered, still trying to catch her breath.

I moved my hands from her tits to her waist, then pulled her closer until her pussy pressed against my crotch with her legs spread wide on either side of me.

“Sure about that? You know I won’t take it easy. Once I’m inside, I won’t hold back, darling.”

Valley licked her lips and shook her head. “I don’t care. I want you to be rough with me.”


I didn’t know any other way to fuck.

My dick was hard already, waiting for me to pull it out of my pants to give it some space.

I was aching for her, and after quickly pulling off her dress and then her bikini top, I unbuttoned my pants and pushed them down along with my boxer briefs.

Rubbing my length, I watched her body squirm on the table.

It wasn’t the first place I’d choose to fuck her on, but I didn’t feel like carrying her to the couch or my bedroom.

Not right now.

“Legs up,” I ordered, watching as she lifted them straight into the air where I wrapped one arm around them and pressed them against the left side of my upper body.

I used my spit to wet my shaft before placing the tip at her entrance and pushing it in slowly, testing her tightness.

As much as I wanted to fuck her, I didn’t want to break her on my first thrust.

Her eyes were wide as she felt my cock stretch her slowly, and once I was sure I could start moving, I pushed inside her in one swift move.

My right hand was on her hip, holding her down to stop her from moving too much.

“Fuck,” I growled, remembering how good it felt to have my dick squeezed by a wet, hot pussy.

Valley felt incredible, like a warm glove hugging me just right.

Her face told me she was prepared for what was coming next, and to not make her wait any longer, I started to fuck her hard without showing mercy.

Valley’s eyes rolled back and her hands gripped the side of the table tightly to make sure she couldn’t get pushed back on it, but stay right there for me to thrust in and out of her with as much force as possible.

“This what you wanted?” I growled, showing her just how much energy an old man like me still had.

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