Fiftysix - Seven Rue Page 0,39

owner strangely had laying around in one of the drawers.

When we entered the bar, I looked around before pulling Kennedy toward the counter to greet Henry.

“Valley! What a nice surprise,” he called out when he noticed me, and I smiled at him and walked around the bar to hug him.

“Hope it’s okay if we hang out in here tonight. We came from a college party. It was boring,” I told him, stepping back again.

“Yeah, go sit down. I’ll get you both something to drink and some fries. How about that?”

“You’re the best. Thank you, Henry.”

I grabbed Kennedy’s hand again and walked to the booth with her, and once we sat down, I looked around to see if there were any potential men for Kennedy to talk and maybe flirt with.

“So…now what?” Kennedy asked, looking around the bar a little unsure.

“Now we sit, eat, drink, and enjoy the music in the background until I find the right guy for you. What’s your type?” I asked, knowing it always changed.

“Uh, I don’t know. Tall, dark...very handsome. No beard,” she told me with a shrug.

“How about tall, dark, and handsome and with stubble?” I asked, grinning at her.

“Where do you see that type of man?”

“Right over there.” I pointed to a booth on the other side of the bar, sitting with another guy who I knew looked far too scary for Kennedy with all his tattoos.

“What if they’re married?” she asked with worry in her voice.

“Guess we’ll have to find out if they are first.”

Henry brought us two drinks which looked like iced tea I always got when I came here, with a bowl filled with fries.

“Thank you, Henry. How’s life been?”

“Oh, you know, hectic as always. Wife’s been at the hospital for a few days last month, but she’s back on her feet again. How’s your father? Haven't seen him in a while.”

“Dad’s great. This is my best friend Kennedy, by the way,” I announced.

He nodded at her with a smile. “Good to meet you, doll. You two have a great night. Call out to me if you need anything.”

I nodded and watched him leave, then I took a sip of my drink and set the glass back down to get up from the booth.

“You’re not going over there, right?” Kennedy panicked, and I grinned at her and winked.

“’Course I am. You’ll see, a little company won't hurt. You need to get over Reece Keller.”

She sighed and hid her face with her hands, mumbling something under her breath.

Without waiting for more of her inaudible words, I headed over to the booth where those handsome men were sitting, and when I reached them, both turned their heads to look up at me.

“Can we help you?” the guy with tattoos covering his arms asked. His weren’t as pretty as Riggs’s who pulled them off nicely. Riggs also had tattoos all over his chest, and I even spotted a few on his stomach when I gave him that blowjob and his shirt rid up.

“Not me, but my friend over there. She’s just been...let’s say dumped, and I wanted her to know that college guys ain’t shit.”

Before I continued, I looked at both their hands to assure there weren’t any wedding rings, and when I couldn’t see any, I smiled. “How about you come keep her some company?”

The guy with tattoos didn’t look too intrigued, but I knew he was just trying to hide his interest.

“How about we give you some attention as well?” he offered, making me laugh softly.

“Of course you can do that,” I told him, turning to his friend with a smile. “She’s a little shy, but if you talk to her long enough, she’ll open up.”

He looked over at Kennedy, then raised a brow. “How old are you girls?” he asked, asking a rightful question.


That was a good enough answer for them, and since they weren’t too old, maybe in their mid-thirties, I figured Kennedy wouldn’t be too timid tonight.

“I’m Valley, by the way, and my friend’s name is Kennedy,” I told them before they got up and grabbed their beers.

“I’m Mason, and this is Derrick,” the one without tattoos said.

“Nice to meet you,” I told them with a sweet smile, then I walked over to the booth Kennedy was waiting at.

“Kennedy, this is Mason and Derrick. They’re gonna keep us company,” I said, sitting back into the booth with Derrick quickly scooting in next to me.

Just what I wanted.

Mason to give Kennedy all his attention.

“How you doing, Kennedy?” he asked her Copyright 2016 - 2024