Fiftysix - Seven Rue Page 0,38

body to the music with my eyes closed and my arms in the air, swinging my hips and letting myself go.

It was what I needed after last night, and since I couldn’t contact Riggs after he blocked me, I hoped to get my mind off him to see if he’s really what my body ached for.

Of course I could’ve added his number into my actual phone, or just go over to his house, but for some reason, I wanted him to come after me for once.

I took enough steps toward him in the past weeks, and if he really wanted more of me, he surely wouldn’t stay back and avoid me.

Two arms wrapped around me from behind while I kept dancing, and for a split second I was determined to get that guy off of me.

But before I could do so, a second pair of hands moved over my body.

When I opened my eyes, I looked straight into the ones of Cedric who had a cocky grin on his face.

“Thought you could use some company tonight, babe,” he told me, pulling me closer against his body while the guy behind me pushed his crotch against me.

As much as I liked the idea of a threesome, those two were not my first choice.

“I don’t need your company, Ced.”

I tried to push them both away, but they only held me tighter, laughing like idiots.

“Aw, come on, Valley. We’re more than twice your age if you add our ages together,” he smirked, making me roll my eyes heavily.

“Still not who I would let fuck me,” I muttered, finally getting him off before I turned to look at the guy behind me.

Denzel, I think his name was, and although he was definitely one of the most handsome guys in college, I wouldn’t let him get any closer than this.

“Get away,” I hissed, and after he gave me some space with his hands up in the air to protect himself, I walked past him with a shake of my head.

“I’ll fuck you one day!” I heard Cedric call out.

How embarrassing, I thought, letting out a harsh laugh. “Never in a million years,” I muttered.

I found Kennedy sitting all alone at the big dining table with a drink in her hand and an upset look on her face.

I sighed, walking over to her and sitting down next to her. “Guess I shouldn’t have left you alone,” I said, reaching out to brush back a strand of her long, blonde hair.

“He said he would talk to me tonight. He’s been dancing with other girls ever since we arrived and he didn’t even say hello,” she whispered.



“Keller? That Reece?” I asked, raising a brow and trying to hold back a laugh.

“Yes. God, what’s so funny about that now?” she asked with a frown, giving me an angry look.

“Nothing…I just think you deserve better than Reece Keller.”

“Then why would he ever tell me that he likes me?”

Because he’s a teenager who’s controlled by his damn dick.

I studied her face for a while, then decided that it was time for her to see what real men were like.

Not that there weren’t great guys our age, but most of them were already in a relationship, and others just simply were too focused on school to date anyone.

“Come on, we’re going to meet some nice guys you can have actual conversations with,” I told her, getting up from the chair and pulling her up with me.

“We can’t just leave. Where are we supposed to go?” she asked.

“I know a bar we can go to. Come on, Ken. It’s gonna be fun.”

“We’re eighteen, Valley. What’s there for us to do at a bar?”

“Hang out and watch men enjoy their beers. Maybe even get some fries and a nice iced-tea,” I suggested, knowing we wouldn’t get alcohol at that bar.

“I know the owner. He won’t kick us out,” I added.

She thought about it at first, then she nodded and got up with a sigh. “Okay. Let’s go.”


The bar belonged to a friend of Dad’s from college, and although he wasn’t allowed to, Dad often took me there when he wanted to have a beer after work.

I used to sit at a booth, drinking some type of soda and snacking on either salted peanuts or chips.

It wasn’t the best place for a child to hang out, but I enjoyed playing with the cards they had laying around on the tables or coloring in the last few empty pages of a children’s coloring book that the Copyright 2016 - 2024