Fiftysix - Seven Rue Page 0,23

was doing wasn’t much fun without the chance of getting caught.

Where was the fun in that?

His words didn’t mean much to me, and since he was already right there, with his dick in front of my face, I used the opportunity to get a little taste.

I moved my hands up his legs while he watched me closely.

He wanted me just as much, or else he wouldn’t even have bothered mentioning the pictures.

He could’ve ignored them.

Deleted them.

But he didn’t.

“What if knowing my parents are around is what makes all of this so…thrilling?”

“Then you have no boundaries whatsoever,” he spat, tightening his fist in my hair once more as my hands reached his ass.

He pulled my head back against the wall as his lips parted and his tongue came out to lick his bottom lip slowly, making my pussy ache while I started to rub against his shoe between my thighs.

I always found ways to please myself without the other person intending on letting me, but Riggs didn’t seem to mind at all.

But just as the friction against my clit grew hotter, Riggs moved forward and pressed the bulge in his pants against my mouth while gritting his teeth.

See? Easy.

He was getting himself into more trouble.

“You’re so fucking naughty, but you damn well know it,” he muttered, moving my head to rub my face against the rough fabric of his pants.

My mouth was wide open, feeling the thickness in his pants getting harder as I pressed him even more against me by pulling his hips toward me.

“This really what you want, Val?” he asked, both hands now cupping the back of my head to keep my face pressed against him.

I nodded, looking up at him and curling my fingers into his ass to show him his physical threats were exactly what I wanted.

What I needed.

“Not sure you can handle me, darling. I will break you.”

I took his warning as a challenge, moving my hands to his bulge and squeezing his balls to make him let me lean back.

Once he did, I cupped his cock and started rubbing it over his pants, and the heavy throbbing I could feel made me smile victoriously.

“Break me then,” I challenged back, feeling his length getting harder underneath my touch.

He held his breath as I continued to stroke his cock and squeeze his balls, but as much as I wanted him to let me suck his shaft and then let him fuck me right here in the hallway, I had to let him go.

I had teased him enough, and I knew there was no way he wouldn’t come back for more someday, so this was my opportunity to take control over him again.

I pushed him back and got up with his hands still in my hair, and after pulling them away from me, I stood on my tiptoes and stepped close enough to whisper in his ear.

“You have my number.”

His body tensed for a second before he realized what was happening, and to show me that he wasn’t giving up control so easily, he gripped my ass tightly, almost making it hurt before I turned to walk into my bedroom and lock myself in.

It took me a moment to catch my breath, seeing as he made it hard for me to breathe with his hand around my throat.

I heard him adjust his pants outside of my bedroom before he headed back downstairs to act as if nothing ever happened.

Tonight was more successful than I had thought after the disappointment at dinner, and with my heart racing in my chest, I hurried to my bed to start the web chat with Frank.

With Riggs still on my mind, I definitely wanted to use the vibrator more than once tonight.


So fucking reckless with no filter in front of her mouth and no goddamn hesitation in her system.

Valley knew exactly what she wanted, and she knew she could get all of it from me.

The fact that I even played those games with her amazed me, as she was the last girl I would ever wanna mess with.

Ever since she was little there wasn’t much about her that screamed she’d someday turn out the way she was now, but then again, as close as I was with her parents, I never had much to do with her.

Andrew kept his daughter locked away while he was in office for the most part, and at every event he attended or hosted, Valley was quietly standing in the background, observing people and not saying much.

Valley Copyright 2016 - 2024