The Fate of the Muse - By Derrolyn Anderson Page 0,123

Yuri has through an intensive interrogation, and he’s provided us with some extremely valuable information. He worked for Edwards for many months, and knows a great deal about his operation.”

“How do you know you can trust him?” I asked, looking over at him suspiciously. One of his legs was in a cast, and the whole side of his face was scraped and bruised. He hung his head like a dog that had been scolded.

“Boris assures me that his allegiances are totally switched, and he has some excellent combat and weapons skills. Remember, you did tell us that he saved your life… right?”

“Yes,” I said grudgingly, “But I still wouldn’t trust him.”

She turned towards the men, “Boris, does Yuri have something to say?”

“Da,” he said, turning to Yuri with a few words in Russian.

Yuri swang his crutches a few steps closer to us, addressing me, “I very sorry, Marina.”

Our eyes met, reminding me of the last frightening time I’d looked into them. I stared speechlessly, shocked that he’d even survived the tumble down the cliff. He seemed sincere, but I just turned to look at Evie incredulously.

Evie nodded to Boris with a fond smile, “You may go now.” I watched them leave with a frown.

“Aunt Evie! You can’t possibly know–”

“Think about it,” she said soothingly, “There is nothing in this world more valuable than a man who is willing to die for you. Boris vouches for him, and that’s good enough for me.”

“Yeah…Unless he’s insane.”

“Are you hungry?” Evie asked, dismissing my fears, “The boys will be joining us for lunch any minute now.”

Just then, Cruz and Brad arrived, led in by Boris. Evie rose, and greeted them each with air kisses. I stood, and Cruz threw his arms around me dramatically, smacking real kisses on both of my cheeks. We were brothers in arms now, bonded by our mutual survival. He stood back to inspect me.

“You look good,” he cracked, “Stress must agree with you.”

“Lucky there’s never a shortage of that around here,” I said, glaring at Evie.

She ignored my look, locking arms with the boys, “Shall we? I’m absolutely famished!”

I looked over to see Brad watching me nervously, “How are you?” I asked.

He gulped, “Fine… Are you really okay?”

I nodded, “I’ll live.”

“Come now,” Evie said, sweeping us out the door. “The crab bisque at the Fairmont is simply to die for.”

I couldn’t eat, so I sat picking at my food and watching Brad and Cruz dish out the latest fashionista gossip to Evie. Once again, I was surprised at how resilient Cruz was, talking and laughing as if nothing truly awful had just happened. I thought of how I felt when I was around Ethan and it made perfect sense.

After lunch, we piled into the Rolls with Cruz behind the wheel. Evie leaned over and whispered something into his ear that made him smile with glee.

“Let’s do it!” he cried, pulling out into the heavy city traffic as boldly as a taxi driver. After a wild ride through the city we pulled up to a familiar little stucco house. I realized what Evie had in mind and smirked. Interesting.

“Where are we?” asked Brad.

“Madame Fatima’s,” said Cruz excitedly, “She’s an incredible psychic!”

“I might as well wait in the car,” I said, remembering Fatima’s reaction to me the last time our paths crossed.

“Not at all, darling,” said Evie, “As a matter of fact, Fatima specifically requested that I bring you. It seems as though she has something to tell you.”

“What?” I asked, suspiciously.

“If I knew that, we wouldn’t be here, now… would we?” She turned to Brad, “Madame Fatima is truly gifted. You simply must have a reading done.”

“Uh… okay,” he replied.

We passed under the large glass evil-eye that kept watch over the doorway, and filed into Madame Fatima’s small reception area. The Madame herself came to greet us, looking us over one by one.

“You,” she said, pointing at Brad, “Follow me.”

“Go!” said Cruz, pushing him forward, “You gotta try it!”

Evies ice blue eyes caught mine, and I realized that Fatima would be reporting directly to her. It was as good a test as any, I supposed.

After what seemed like a longer time than it actually was, Brad returned to take a seat. He was completely calm when he told us that she’d asked to see Evie next.

“Well… What did she say?” Cruz asked him eagerly.

“A whole lot of mumbo jumbo,” he replied, “You don’t really believe in all this stuff, do you?”

Cruz rolled his eyes, “Now you sound just like Marina.”

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