The Fate of the Muse - By Derrolyn Anderson Page 0,122

said, equally emotional.

We walked to her apartment arm in arm, and she led me to a small table set up for tea in the in the library. We sat, and she poured us each a cup, looking up at me with serious eyes.

“I didn’t even see it coming,” she said, “I truly thought she was my friend. I never dreamed I’d lose my intuition this late in life.”

My heart went out to her, for I knew that Olivia’s treachery was doubly painful. Evie’s confidence was completely rattled; it was an especially hard blow for one who was used to being in charge of everyone and everything.

“Nobody knew,” I said soothingly.

“You did,” she said meaningfully, “Olivia… of all people! I’ve known her for years. When I think…” her voice trailed off. She had tears in her ice blue eyes.

I took her hand, “I’m sorry Aunt Evie.”

She composed herself, “I suppose that money really is the root of all evil.”

“Why the Edwards family? Are they really all that rich?”

“I’m afraid so. And powerful. We’ve just recently come into some inside information about a secret research facility, a medical lab… a real chamber of horrors.”

My eyes flew open, “That’s where they were going to take me!”

“Yes, well, Barbara’s first official act as a congressional representative was to appoint the new director of a multi-million dollar laboratory. Outwardly, it’s supposed to study marine life, but our source has informed us that they’ve been working to set up an area within the facility… devoted entirely to imprisoning and experimenting on mermaids.”

“I know what they’re after.” I said with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I told Evie what I knew about their plans to capture Nixie, and she was more shocked and outraged than I’d ever seen her before. Edwards’s quest for immortality at the expense of an innocent life disgusted her.

“Eternal life… I suppose it’s the one thing that money cannot buy,” Evie mused, “How could Olivia be involved in something so awful! I know I’ve been terribly naive, but I never believed one of our own kind could be so… cruel. How could I have missed it?”

“I’d never have guessed if it wasn’t for Marissa.”


“She was the one that told me, right before the council meeting. She warned me to leave right away. She said that Olivia was dangerous.”

“But how did she know?”

“It came to her in a vision… like the ones I have.”

She nodded, taking a moment to digest the news, “That explains a lot. Olivia insisted on coming back with me… to meet you…” Evie started getting maudlin again, “She had me completely fooled.”

“What are you going to do about her?” I asked.

“There’s not much I can do,” she said ruefully. “I’ve reported her to the council… But she has many powerful friends there. I’ve no doubt she’ll deny having anything to do with the Edwards family, and once again, we have no proof.”

“What about Brad?” I asked her, “Do you trust him?”

Evie looked thoughtful, “I have no idea. I have people looking into his background, and I expect a report within the week. I also have a little test of my own planned for him.”

“A test?” I asked, surprised. She no longer has faith in her instincts, I thought.

“You’ll see,” she smiled at me.

“What are we going to do about his father?”

“I’ve had the building and my plane completely cleared of all bugs. Olivia helped me choose it…”

“I’d like to learn how to do that,” I said.

“Boris and I have decided to increase our security team. I now have an expert on weapons and surveillance… We can arrange some lessons if you’d like.”

“You mean that Paul guy?”

“Among others.”

Evie reached over to the table and rang a little bell. Within seconds, Boris appeared in the arched doorway of the library entrance. I heard a scuffling noise and looked behind him to see Yuri shuffling along on crutches. He looked at me with a sheepish smile.

“What in the–” I scrambled out of my seat in shock, looking back and forth between Boris and Evie.

Evie spoke calmly, “Relax Marina, I know it must come as a shock to you, but we believe that Yuri no longer poses a threat. I thought it best not to break the news of his defection over the phone.”

“Are you kidding me? Defection?” I remained poised to leave.

“Yuri is working for me now. Really darling, have a seat and let me explain.”

She gestured to the chair opposite hers, and I finally sat down unhappily.

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