Fatal Secrets - Desiree Holt Page 0,24

I’m nobody’s prize package right now. I have really bad days. My body doesn’t always work the way I want it to. You got a look at it last night.” He looked off in the distance. “And truth to tell, I still have nightmares.”


He held up a hand. “So there it is. You want every ugly detail? I don’t know if I can give it to you. I’m not sure I’m ready to talk about it yet. But you have the right to know what you’re getting into.”

She ran her tongue over her lower lip, the effect on his dick nearly destroying him. He wasn’t even sure he wanted to hear what she had to say.

“Listen to me. I’m smart enough to know you’re in a bad place right now. In a way, I’m not doing so good myself, although my emotional glitch is nothing compared to yours. But here’s the thing. For Hank to set me up with a different bodyguard now would mean answering a lot of questions I don’t think either one of us wants to deal with. He’s determined, and you already know the score.”

He dipped his head. “You got that right. I’m wondering if I got pulled out here for a reason. Maybe this is a way for me to finally put all the nightmares to rest but, the thing is, I can’t be sure.”

“As for last night? I don’t know what to say, either. I’m not in the habit of…of…”

“Hopping into bed with strange men you met in a bar?”

Heat scorched her face. “I-I— Yes. That’s what I meant.”

“Did you ever think Fate meant some things to happen? I’m not a big believer in it myself, but maybe that’s what last night was all about. We don’t have to talk it to death. But I don’t want to forget it, either, and I haven’t said that in a long time. We’re going to be together practically twenty-four seven so you know we can’t ignore it. I say let’s see what happens but keep our expectations low, okay?”

“Listen.” She rested her hand on his arm. It took everything he had not to pull it away. “I’m so focused on this book and turning over every rock I can find to get answers that I’m probably going to be a real pain in the ass to you. But here’s the thing. I’m going to do this no matter what. A close friend of mine, a wonderful woman, is dead, and no one but me seems to give a single damn. I’m not stopping until I get some answers. If you can live with my situation, I can live with yours. And we can just see where it all goes between us. You’re right. Last night was…exceptional. Besides, something inside me trusts you, and I need that right now.”

His lips curved in a lopsided grin. “As long as you don’t try to sneak out on me.”

They stared at each other for a long moment, then Zoe nodded and gave him an answering smile. It was a tiny one, but a smile just the same, and Sean felt a band around his chest loosen.

“Good.” He let out a breath. “Glad we got that settled. So, let’s get down to business here. Go back over the timeline starting with Justine’s murder and then all the newer stuff. The phone calls and shit. Don’t leave anything out.”

She nodded, once.

“I know this probably isn’t what you figured you’d be doing when Hank asked you to come here,” she said, slowly. “And I’m not all that excited about the situation, either. But…”

She sighed.

“But,” he picked up, “it’s better than turning up dead.”

Her face lost all its color, and he was sorry he’d been such a smartass.

“You don’t have to worry about that.” He managed a grin. “SEALs never fail.”

Her answering smile was weak but there, nevertheless.

“Okay. Then let me tell you everything I know. Everything I’ve been able to find out. It might give you some idea who’s doing this, something I didn’t see.” She pulled up the first of her notes on her laptop.

An hour later, Sadie brought coffee to them, and Hank walked out behind her. Sean was glad for the break. He could see she was exhausted from talking about it.

“Zoe.” Sadie shook her head. “The more I think about this, the more I’m convinced you should think twice about writing this book. Someone really doesn’t want you to do it.”

Sean watched her body stiffen and her jaw tighten.


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