Fatal Secrets - Desiree Holt Page 0,22

stop her that would not raise any suspicions. He’d hoped the little present he’d left in her apartment and the words he’d painted on her car would make her think twice about proceeding with this book. He’d watched to see her reaction while she entered her apartment. He’d waited for a scream, or for her to run out. Something. Anything. Instead, that fucker Hank Patterson had shown up seconds later and just taken charge.

Oh yeah, he knew all about Hank Patterson and his fucking Brotherhood Protectors. Arrogant former SEALs who thought they owned the world. Well, he could take care of them and that bitch Zoe Young, too. He’d just have to plan carefully. And stay invisible.

While Zoe and Sadie shared one last cup of coffee, Hank took Sean through what he called the war room of Brotherhood Protectors. Leading the way to a door, he pressed his thumb to a bio scanner and waited for a door to slide open. Stairs led down to a cool, white hallway that opened out into a wide room. One wall was lined with computers, keyboards, and an array of monitors. Two men working in front of the array of monitors smiled as Hank introduced Sean but kept right on working.

Hank nudged Sean toward another door. “Come on.”

He led them into another room and switched on the light.

Hank nodded his head at the items on the wall. “Weapons. Whatever we need. We like to be prepared.”

Sean blinked at the impressive array of weapons of all shapes and brands, from AR-15s to .40 caliber pistols. He had to admit his cousin had created a top-notch situation. He was very impressed with the setup here. They could manage a small war from this facility.

“Can I just say,” he told Hank, “I’m impressed that you have all this, but I hope you never have to use it.”

Hank gave a little snort. “I’m with you there.”

Sean shifted uncomfortably. “Listen, Hank, I appreciate all this, but —”

“Don’t say anything yet,” Hank told him. “Let it soak in. As long as you accept the job protecting Zoe until we resolve this situation, I think we’re all comfortable with that. Meanwhile, you can get used to the area.”

“Okay.” He couldn’t find fault with the idea.

Hank clapped him on the shoulder. “Let’s go back upstairs.”

The women were still sitting in the kitchen with their coffee. Zoe lifted an eyebrow, a questioning look on her face.

“That’s some damn setup,” Sean commented. “They’re prepared for any kind of emergency or situation.”

“Hank’s pretty proud of it,” Sadie agreed, grinning.

“I’m going to call Alex Rossi and see if he’s got time for us right now,” Hank told them, then wandered out to the porch to make his call. Two minutes later he was back inside. “He’s out until about three o’clock. That means we have time now for you and Zoe to sit down together after lunch. Zoe, I want you to tell Sean every single detail of this book you’re working on about your friend Justine’s murder. And by the way, if you’ve had any other incidents so we can be prepared.”

“Got it.”

“Okay, let’s get you and Zoe together so she can tell you everything from the beginning.”

Sean was sure doing this job was going to take every ounce of his self-control. Just sitting at the table with Zoe Young was exquisite torture. Be with her twenty-four seven? Holy shit. He’d have to do something about his dick before it became embarrassing. Despite the heat that had nearly incinerated them the night before, he had no idea if she even wanted to remember it.

She’d looked so stressed last night when she’d walked into Red’s, and he certainly knew that feeling. When you found someone who could help that feeling, especially if you never expected to see them again, it was very easy to drop all boundaries. Been there, done that. But last night was old business. He’d better remember that a woman like Zoe Young wasn’t about to hook up with a damaged, used-up ex-military castoff. At least that was how he saw himself these days.

He swallowed a sigh. Maybe a cold shower after they finished here because it didn’t look like mental discipline was going to work.

The weather was nice, so Sadie suggested they sit out on the porch. Sean felt a little less claustrophobic than he did inside, and he could tell Zoe liked being outside, too.

“I think this is overkill,” she told him, “but I have to admit after the two

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