Fashionably Fooled (Hot Damned #13) - Robyn Peterman Page 0,63

foolishly waited for her to wink at me.

Silently, I willed her to come back and say something ridiculous. I tried to reach inside her mind and let her know I was ready for my trim. I called out to her for what felt like eternity, but there was no answer.

Mammy had left the building, and her finale would be one I would never forget.

In a blast of golden smoke Murry became corporeal, dropped to his knees with a keening wail and laid his head on his mother’s chest. His cries echoed through the Grand Ballroom. Elle sat down on the floor next to him and rocked back and forth as Luke reached for Mammy and cried as well.

“Fuck,” I hissed as I slowly put my hand on Murry’s head to comfort him. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

“Me too,” Murry said, with tears rolling down his cheeks. “She was a good Mammy. Always said she wanted to go out in a blaze of glory. She sure as Hell did.”

I was at a loss for words. The woman had saved the life of my son. She’d brought him into the world and died making sure he would stay. In her weakened state, she had defended Luke, and it had cost her everything. Elle put one arm around Murry as she held Luke in the other.

“She’s gone?” my mother asked as she leaned down and cupped Mammy’s pale cheek in her hand.

I nodded jerkily. Normally, I was unaffected by death. Wrath’s death meant nothing to me. It had been a long time coming. Mammy’s death? Mammy’s death was a harsh blow.

The barrier had been lifted, and we were surrounded by family and friends. Silently, all paid their respects to Mammy by laying hands on Murry’s head. Several times his mullet wig went askew, and each time, I readjusted it. I was certain I was covered in hives for my good deed. However, it was the right thing to do. I’d simply have to make up for it by being horrible tomorrow.

The last in line was Jesus.

“May I?” he asked Murry as he gently caressed Mammy’s cheek. “I’d like to take her home.”

“Who are ya?” Murry asked warily. “Are ya from Tennessee?”

I was a bit crestfallen. I had hoped Mammy would land in my neck of the Universe. I would have set her soul up in style and treated her like a Queen. However, it didn’t surprise me that Mammy was destined for my brother’s house.

“I’m Jesus,” he said.

“Are you shittin’ me?” Murry yelled in surprise. “The real Jesus?”

Jesus chuckled and nodded. “The real Jesus.”

“Mammy’s goin’ Upstairs?” Murry blubbered, carefully taking his mother from my arms and handing her to Jesus. “She’s gonna be real surprised by that. She’ll just shit a dang brick.”

“Mammy’s methods were a little questionable, but her heart was pure,” Jesus said as a soft golden light surrounded him. “She will be your Angel now, Murry.”

“Well, now that’s some crazy shee-ott. Yer gonna take good care of her?” Murry asked, still sniffling as he leaned in and kissed his mother’s ashen cheek.

“I will. I promise to take care of her like she was my own child,” Jesus assured him as he began to fade away in the golden light.

“Don’t let her trim ya,” Murry yelled before Jesus vanished. “Her aim sucks. Might lose yer pecker.”

“Did he really just tell Jesus he might lose his pecker?” my mother asked with wide eyes.

“He did,” I said, grinning and shaking my head. “Heaven will never be the same after Mammy arrives.”

“Your father won’t believe any of this,” she muttered and wandered off.

“You’d be surprised how fun Heaven can be, brother,” God said as he held out his hand to pull me to my feet. “Lunch next week?”

“Ulterior motives?” I questioned with a raised brow.

“Of course,” God replied with a chuckle. “I’ll get reservations at that little bistro in Italy for Wednesday.”

After nodding my assent, God disappeared in a blast of silver mist taking his Angels and doves with him.

“Lord of Dark Shit?” Murry asked.

“Yes, Murry?”

“Ya want me to go back to Tennessee?” he asked, looking down at his feet. “I mean, my work here is kinda done and all.”


Elle shot me a look and pulled a dull butter knife from her pocket. She aimed it straight at the crotch of my pants and waited to hear my answer.

“No, Murry,” I said, heaving out a sigh of relief as Elle smiled and put the knife back in her pocket. “You’re not going back to Copyright 2016 - 2024