Fashionably Fooled (Hot Damned #13) - Robyn Peterman Page 0,62

Real fine,” Mammy said. “Tell yer momma to cast the spell when I sneeze. Ya got that?”

“I do,” I said tersely as Elle took my hand and held it tight. “There are other True Immortals here who can’t die. Do you want them inside the barrier as well?”

“Is there anyone of ‘em who love yer boy as much as you do?” she asked.

“Elle,” I told her. “Elle loves our son as much as I do.”

“Then leave her on the outside,” Mammy said.

“When Mammy sneezes, cast the spell. Leave me, Elle, Mammy, Murry, Wrath and Luke on the outside of the barrier,” I directed, barely moving my lips.

“His name is Luke?” my mother asked, clasping her hands to her chest.

“It is,” I replied tersely. “Get ready.”

“What are we supposed to do?” Elle asked, looking down at the floor so Wrath wouldn’t see we were talking.

“I have no fucking clue,” I muttered. “Mammy?”


“What do you want Elle and me to do?”

“Catch the baby—I mean Luke.”

“Okay,” I said, glancing over at her as she winked again.

“What did she say?” Elle asked.

“We’re to catch the baby,” I replied.

“I can do that,” Elle said with confidence. “I can do that with my eyes closed. Luke belongs in my arms.”

Mammy sneezed. My mother cast the invisible barrier spell, and Murry the badass went from corporeal to a wisp of pale golden smoke. The Immortals trapped behind the barrier, watched in surprised shock. I was mesmerized as Murry floated up to an oblivious Wrath and wound himself around the handle of her dagger.

Dragons were fucking amazing.

“Ya want some beans-n-franks while we wait fer Mr. Rogers?” Mammy asked a confused Wrath.

“Are you speaking to me?” Wrath demanded, narrowing her eyes at the old woman.

Wrath hated other women. Wrath hated everyone. I would like to think she hated herself, but she was no longer capable of rational or introspective thought. It didn’t matter.

“Yep,” Mammy said, holding up a bowl. “It’s real damn good.”

Murry had secured himself around the dagger and yanked it from Wrath’s hands. At the same moment the knife was removed, Mammy snorted out a fireball that set Wrath ablaze. Screaming in agony, she began to slap at her flaming skin to put out the fire. In her crazed frenzy, she dropped the baby.

“NO,” Elle growled.

Elle hissed and flew like a Demon out of the bowels of Hell to snatch Luke before he hit the ground, but Mammy beat her to it. Elle slammed into the edge of the barrier and bounced back with such force it took both of us down.

With the baby secured safely in her arms, Mammy blew an inferno from her nose like I’d never seen. Wrath roared and shot death magic back as fast as she could. Mammy opened her mouth wide and swallowed it as quickly as it came at her.

“Catch,” Mammy grunted as she took violent hit after hit.

Throwing Luke to Elle, she continued to deflect the vicious magic pouring from Wrath.

Mammy had paled to the point of translucent. Luke was safe. It was time to end this shit.

“Enough,” I bellowed as I trapped Wrath in a spell that made every single blast of magic she shot come back on her tenfold. I watched dispassionately as her own fury tore her from limb to limb leaving nothing but ash. The only remaining part of my daughter were remnants of her tattoos that slithered across the floor before vanishing.

For a brief moment, a wave of something I could only call regret for what might have been came over me. Many centuries ago, I had felt something for my daughter, but she’d systematically shredded it with her anger and murderous ways. I should have ended her long before now.

Ironically, she ended herself. She would have survived if she hadn’t been shooting death magic at Mammy. Karma was a bitch. With a slice of my hand through the air, the carnage Wrath had created and all evidence of Wrath herself disappeared.

She was gone for good.

Chapter Sixteen

“Lucifer,” Elle cried out. “Help me.”

Whipping around, my chest tightened to the point it was difficult to breathe. The sound that left my lips was inhuman. Mammy lay as still as death on the floor. I moved faster than an Immortal eye could follow and took the broken woman in my arms. Her body was so small and light, it felt as if I was holding a child. My lips compressed into a flat line as I gently brushed the hair away from the old Dragon’s face. I Copyright 2016 - 2024