Fashionably Fooled (Hot Damned #13) - Robyn Peterman Page 0,58

flew across the Grand Ballroom.

I was right on her tail.

And then all Hell broke loose.

Elle’s scream of terror and fury vibrated through my body. It was a sound I’d never heard and a sound I never wanted to hear again.

My dead body might be an option on the table.

However, my son and mate’s life were not up for grabs.

Not today. Not tomorrow. Not ever.

Chapter Fifteen

“Hello, Daddy,” Wrath sneered, standing about thirty feet from the dais with a crazed glint in her eyes. She was surrounded by her sisters. My son was clutched in her arms with a dagger at his neck. The myriad of tattoos on Wrath’s body shimmered, and her insanity was on display for all to witness. “Did you not receive the letter of warning? You were supposed to get rid of this inconvenience. Now it looks as if I’ll have to clean up your mess. Such a shame. Clear your army.”

I knew my eyes had turned red with fury. The scene before me appeared washed in blood. And, if for some reason I hadn’t realized it, most of the guests hauling ass out of the Grand Ballroom would have alerted me. Only about twenty of my closest remained along with my Army.

My hands sparked dangerously. A black mist snaked through the room and announced that death had arrived. Breathing it in, I let the darkness settle in my soul and calm me. It took all I had not to dive at the rotten fruit of my loins and tear her head from her body. I gently pushed a glowing and hissing Elle behind me as I tamped back my instinct to let my body turn to flame and burn the woman who I used to consider my daughter to ash.

The only thing that stopped me from destroying Wrath where she stood was the fact that she held my son in her arms. She had attacked me for thousands of years—killed needlessly and destroyed without reason. It was my fault it had come to this. She should have been ended long ago, but she was of my blood. I hadn’t been able to bring myself to do it. Hell, I couldn’t even end my own Demon half-brother, and he was just as evil as Wrath… I’d used Astrid to kill her father and do my dirty work. I despised myself, but that was mild compared to what I felt for Wrath. I was an adversary who could defend himself, and she was sure I would never end her. That no longer held true.

My son had no way to fight for himself. With a knife at his neck, the odds were stacked against him. I had given Wrath the world, and she repaid me by ruining mine… and hers.

Immortality could mess with your mind. It had clearly fucked with my daughter’s. Living forever was not for the weak. I’d had to destroy many of my own kind over the centuries who had succumbed to the madness that afflicted those who never died. It was my least favorite part of the job, but it had to be done. I had no clue Wrath had fallen so far. She had hidden it well.

Wrath defined narcissism and insanity. Swirling gold and amber tattoos covered her pale skin and morphed from one violent scenario to another. Her blonde hair flew wildly around her head. She embodied her name in every deadly way possible.

While I applauded bad behavior, a blood-thirsty narcissist wasn’t my cup of tea. A Demon absorbed evil from others. A Demon was forbidden to create evil—true evil. Wrath had twisted and broken the rules for the last time.

With a curt nod of my head, the army retreated and stood behind me. As they moved, Murry passed behind Wrath and sniffed the air. His eyes grew huge as they met mine. Pointing to Wrath, he mouthed that she was the one—the one who penned the letter. He was a little late. However, I’d ruled the bitches out when I thought the letter was about me. My ego might cost my son his life.

“Is the child a True Immortal?” God whispered as he climbed the stairs to stand beside me in one of my darkest hours.

“I don’t know,” I whispered back. “It’s too soon to tell. He came into the world this morning.”

“Chances are that he is,” my mother said under her breath as she too joined me.

“Do you know this as fact?” I asked.

“I don’t,” Mother Nature replied.

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