A Family of Their Own - By Gail Gaymer Martin Page 0,32

but your friendship means a lot to me.” He studied her face. “A lot.”

Her stomach tightened. “I feel the same way.”

“Then let’s agree that the next date is just us.”

Date. The word skipped across her heart. “Okay. Just us.”

Us. She remembered the day us died for her. Her husband confessed his affair, and her life fell apart. Trusting was still difficult, but Ross always seemed so honest that she believed what he said. Maybe the Lord had an us planned for her one day again when their chaotic lives calmed down, and they could plan a future together, instead of trying to divide their days.

Chapter Eight

The doorbell’s chime drew Kelsey to the door. When she opened it, Ross stood there, unsmiling. Stress etched his face.

“Hi. I hope you don’t mind I dropped by without calling.”

He looked desolate, and she ached for him. “No, it’s fine.” She stepped back, opening the door wider. “Any news on Peyton?” She reached for his jacket.

“Today.” He drew up his shoulders and shrugged it off.

“Not good news.” Her question wasn’t needed. She knew from the look on his face. “What is it, Ross?”

He ambled into the room and plopped on the sofa. “It could be worse, but Timmons upped her blood thinner this time. If she could only get her arrhythmia under control, that would help.”

“That affects her activities, I know.” She sank into a chair near him. Though she wanted to be upbeat and say something positive, concern pulled at her face.

“It restricts her more than she’s already restricted. I worry that the school will suggest she be homeschooled with a visiting teacher dropping in once a week. I don’t want to think of that happening. I’m glad to help her with her studies, but it kills me for her. She already feels alienated, and this will just broaden the gap.”

Ross pushed himself up from the sofa and paced to the window and back as if he were waiting for someone, but Kelsey guessed he was only waiting for answers for his daughter’s healing.

She rose and met him in the middle of the living room, slipping her hands to his shoulders. “You know my heart is breaking for you.”

He searched her eyes. “I know. You really care, and that means more than I can say. You’re strong and I feel so lost sometimes.”

She brushed his cheek with her palm. “Funny, because I’ve thought that about you.”

His eyebrows arched. “One of us is confused.” A faint smile touched his lips.

She let her hand drop to his and pulled him forward. “Let’s have some coffee. It won’t solve our problems, but maybe caffeine will stimulate our brain cells.”

“Maybe.” A short chuckle left him as he followed her through the dining room to the kitchen. She motioned him to sit at the table while she poured the coffee and carried it to him. “You dropped Peyton off at school?”

He nodded. “I want to keep things as normal as I can for her.”

She slipped onto the chair. “And what about you? What are you doing for yourself?”

A blank look filled his eyes. “I don’t know what you mean?”

“This stress is taking a toll on you, Ross. Come to MOSK Wednesday. Share these things and listen to the others. I know it won’t change anything, but you said it yourself. Maybe you can learn a way to cope or hear something that will help.”

A lengthy breath escaped him. “Now that I had you fight for me, sometimes I think it was a mistake. I’m not sure I can open up like I can to you. I know you and I—”

“You’ll never know if you don’t try.”

He closed his eyes, his head nodding. “You’re right. The other day I began to realize that I’m avoiding it. It kills me to know you fought a battle for me, and now I’m acting like a coward.”

“Coward?” She reached across the table and grasped his hand. “Not a coward. A hero who’s not looking forward to a new battle, but you will win.”

“I will. Yes.”

“Good. I really think you’ll—”

The telephone jarred their conversation. It always did when Lucy was away from home. “Excuse me a minute.” She headed for the phone across the room. She gazed at the caller ID and froze. She longed to turn and walk away, but Kelsey forced herself to pick up the headset.

“Kelsey, this is Karen. I hated to call you, but I thought I should for Lucy’s sake.”

Lucy’s sake. Hearing from her ex-friend not only startled Kelsey,

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