A Family of Their Own - By Gail Gaymer Martin Page 0,31


Kelsey eyed Ross. “Is it okay if I buy Peyton a treat?” Though she didn’t want Ross to hear Lucy’s complaint, she hoped he would say yes.

“Is Lucy having something?”

She told him, and Peyton agreed that she wanted the same thing.

“This is on me then.” Ross dug into his pocket, pulled out some bills and handed the money to Peyton. “Get in line now. It’s long, and we’ll wait here.”

The girls walked off together, and Ross stood beside her, a curious look growing on his face. “Something wrong?”

Kelsey wanted to avoid the topic. She’d already warned Ross about the possible problem, and it had appeared as she had anticipated it might. “It’s nothing.”

“Lucy’s angry.”

It wasn’t a question, but a statement, and Kelsey flinched. “More like frustrated. It’s what I’ve worried about.” She drew in a breath. “I talked to her about slowing down for Peyton’s sake.”

“Don’t make a big deal out of it, or these two will never be friends.”

She suspected that might be the case anyway. Lucy was too spunky for Peyton. She’d hurt Peyton’s feelings without even realizing it, and she was competitive. Lucy wanted to win games. Peyton was more of a pouter, yet she wanted things her way. If Peyton would speak out and fight for herself, she would do better. Kelsey slammed her thoughts into a box. “We can only hope, Ross. Friendship grows in its time. We can’t force it.”

“I know, but I…”

She placed her hand on his arm. “I do, too. I’d like to see the girls become friends. It would be nice for both of them. Still I don’t want us to be disappointed if that doesn’t happen.”

He lowered his head with a nod. With the discussion of Lucy and Peyton, the fun evening had become a downer once again. She eyed the girls. They had advanced closer to the counter. They looked cute together, Peyton with her long brown hair and Lucy’s blond halo of curls. Although today the halo didn’t fit her attitude.

Memories awakened in her. The first time she held Lucy in her arms something stirred inside her. Hopes and dreams spilled into her mind. But then a few years ago, things had changed and she prayed Lucy would see her teen years. Yet today, she was healthy and heading for eleven. Joy coursed through her. She prayed that those bad days were over for good.

As she studied the girls, Kelsey’s attention settled on Peyton. She was an inch or more taller than Lucy, and today she noticed that Peyton’s figure had begun to blossom. Lucy still looked more girlish. Seeing it made her ache for Ross. One day he’d mentioned having to face the task of explaining things to her. That was usually a mother’s job, but Ross would handle it alone.

The hawkers’ voices boomed in her ears. Above their heads flashed expensive souvenir booklets with photographs of the Hanson brothers, and Kelsey hoped the girls wouldn’t notice the pitch. They would glance at the pictures and toss the expensive booklet into a drawer…or on the floor, which seemed to be the place Lucy liked to store things these days, including her clothes. Kelsey grinned. Maybe she was just practicing for her teen years.


Ross’s voice drew her back. “Sorry. I was thinking about the girls.”

“I suspected you were.” He slipped his arm around her back. “I’m sorry that I brought that up again. We were having a great time, and as soon as the girls come into the conversation, something happens. I understand, but I feel the barricade rise between us. I don’t want that.”

“I don’t want it, either, Ross. Let’s be patient and give the girls a chance to get to know each other without us hovering. Maybe we’re trying to do too much with them.” She searched his eyes. “Do you think we should back off?”

“You have a point.” A sigh rolled through him.

“Since we’re on the subject of the girls, have you heard from Peyton’s physician yet about her tests?”

“The receptionist called to say the tests are in, and I made an appointment. Dr. Timmons doesn’t do much on the phone, and I wish he would. Then I’d know.”

Those feelings weren’t new to Kelsey. “Don’t forget to call me when you hear.”

Ross nodded and tilted his head toward the concession line. “They’re getting their snacks now, so before they come back, I want to tell you that no matter what problems we’re having I don’t want them to affect our relationship. I told you before,

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