Faking Ms. Right (Dirty Martini Running Club #1) - Claire Kingsley Page 0,84

she was using him to get to me, but he knew she wasn’t right for him. He just hadn’t admitted it out loud yet.”

“Thank god that’s over. I was starting to worry we’d made a mistake by not telling him immediately.”

I rubbed my chin again. “Me too.”

“So now you’re wondering what to do about Everly.”


“It doesn’t have to be complicated, Shep. Does being with her make you happy?”

“Yes, it does, but of course it’s complicated. I convinced my assistant to move in with me and pretend to be my girlfriend. And then…”

“And then pretending wasn’t so hard because it started to feel real.”


“What are you really worried about? That her feelings aren’t real? That she’s faking it so well she has you convinced too?”

Letting out a long breath, I stared down at my desk. This was so hard to admit, I wasn’t sure if I could say it out loud. “I’m afraid once our reason for being together is gone, none if it will have been real. And I’ll…”

“You’ll get hurt.”

I cleared my throat. “Yeah.”

“That’s the thing about love, though. If you never open yourself up to the risk of being hurt, you’ll never give someone the chance to get close enough to love you back. And honestly, I don’t think you need to worry about this. Anyone who’s seen you two together can tell you’re crazy about each other.”

“Yeah. Okay, thanks Ethan.”

“Anytime. Let me know if you need anything. And I’ll call Dad and invite him to dinner tonight. See if he needs to talk.”

“Sounds good. He’ll appreciate that.”

I said goodbye and put my phone down. This was such unfamiliar territory. I’d faced financial risks, made huge business deals, and dealt with millions—even billions—of dollars. None of that had ever fazed me. I was used to being all cool confidence. Untouchable.

Everly had broken me wide open and I felt the raw edges of my exposed nerves. I’d already trusted her with so much. Why was I worried now?

Maybe Ethan was right. It didn’t have to be complicated. Being with her made me happy—happier than I’d ever been. I loved spending time with her, and I missed her when we were apart. She made me laugh—which I didn’t do all that often. She saw through right to the heart of who I was, as if she had the power to reach inside past all my barriers.

I did love her. I’d fallen a little bit in love with her every day, since that night at the gala. Since I’d opened my eyes and finally seen the incredible woman I’d been working with for the last few years.

And just like that, I knew what I was going to do. Ask her to stay.

With that settled, I felt immensely better. As much as I wanted to rush home to talk to her, I had more work to do. It could wait. I knew she’d be there waiting for me. And not just because she was sick. Because despite the fact that neither of us had acknowledged it out loud, we both knew. She was mine. I just needed to make it official.

I clicked my laptop to bring the screen back up. Once I reviewed the sales reports, I could get out of here.

Everly hadn’t sent them to me yet, but she probably had hard copies at her desk. I didn’t want to bother her, so I decided to check myself. If I didn’t find them, I could give her a call. But I didn’t want to make her think about work if I didn’t have to.

Her desk was neat and tidy, as usual. There wasn’t anything sitting out, so I checked in the drawers. I didn’t see anything in the first two, but when I opened the third, a folder caught my eye. The label said Shepherd Calloway Donor Contract.

Donor contract? That was odd. Was it a charitable thing? I donated money to a number of organizations, but those didn’t require contracts.

I flipped open the folder. It was indeed a legal document, and I was named multiple times just on the first page. And so were Everly’s sister and sister-in-law.

Picking it up, I read it more carefully. A sick feeling grew in the pit of my stomach as I realized what this was. It was a sperm donor agreement—a contract for me to become the biological father of Everly’s sister’s potential child.

There were provisions for giving me photos and updates on the child, as well as the option for me to opt out

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