Faking Ms. Right (Dirty Martini Running Club #1) - Claire Kingsley Page 0,83

home today.”

She groaned and turned to face me. “I can’t stay home. I’ve never taken a sick day.”

“Yes, you can. There’s nothing at work that’s more important than you getting better.”

Tucking her hands beneath her cheek, she gave me a weak smile. Even with red-rimmed eyes and no color in her cheeks, she was adorable.

“Fine, I’ll stay for now. But if I feel better this afternoon, I’ll just—”

I touched my finger to her lips. “No. You’re not allowed to get out of bed today, except for physical necessities or food. Otherwise, I want you here.”

“I like it when you’re bossy. You should keep me in bed all day more often.”

A day in bed with Everly sounded like heaven. “We’ll do that when you aren’t coughing up a lung.”

“Fair enough. But call me if you need anything.”

No, Everly. I will not be calling you about work today. “Don’t worry. Don’t think about work. Just rest.”

She nodded and I kissed her forehead.

Before I went in to the office, I brought her breakfast, a big glass of water, and a box of tissues. I found her Kindle, and a few magazines she’d left in the other room, and made sure she had the remote to the TV. I wished I could stay here with her, but I had meetings I couldn’t miss.

I caught my dad in the kitchen on my way out.

“Morning. Listen, Everly’s sick. Keep your distance, you can’t afford to get sick right now. Your immune system is already stressed.”

“Is she okay?”

“I think so. It’s just a cough. She felt warm last night, but I don’t think she has a fever. I’ll check on her later and try to get home early.”

“All right. Thanks, son.”

“And Dad, I haven’t had a chance to talk to her about Svetlana.”

“I’ll leave that to you,” he said. “Is there anything I can do to help her? Get her some soup or something?”

“Maybe bring her some lunch later, but don’t get too close and don’t let her cough on you. And don’t touch anything.”

“I’ve got it. I’ll be careful.”


I still didn’t like leaving her, and I was worried about my dad getting sick. His radiation treatments were over, and he was doing well. But a simple virus could be serious for him right now. I’d have to call the housecleaners and have them make a special trip out today to disinfect everything.

Work was busy enough to keep my mind off Everly for most of the day. I texted her a few times in between meetings and conference calls. She assured me she was fine and didn’t need anything, but I was still anxious to get home to her.

I walked by her empty desk, feeling the tug of missing her. Which was so odd. I’d seen her this morning. She’d be there when I went home tonight.

But it wasn’t the fact that she was home sick today that was bothering me. We were at a crossroads. Our reason for living together was gone. Svetlana was out of the picture. And chances were, Everly wasn’t going to work for me much longer. I wasn’t the least bit surprised that someone else was recruiting her. She was amazing. Cameron Whitbury would be crazy not to hire her. And if it wasn’t Cameron, it would be someone else.

I went into my office and shut the door. Sat down and rubbed my chin. My dad’s words kept echoing in my head. You’re in love with that girl.

Was I? Had I fallen in love with Everly?

The problem was, I’d never been in love before. How were you supposed to know?

I picked up my phone and called Ethan.

“Hey, Shep. Everything all right?”

“Yeah, fine. Do you have a minute?”


I took a deep breath. “How do you know when you’re in love with someone?”

“Oh. That’s… okay, that’s unexpected.”

“This is fucking with my head, Ethan. I’m basically dead inside. I don’t know how any of this works.”

He laughed. “You’re not dead inside, Shep.”

“Don’t be so sure. I’m too much like Mom.”

“Are you, though?” he asked. “You’re not bitter. I know you’re not exactly effusive with your emotions. You’re not a hugger like dad.”

“Or you.”

“Yeah, or me. You keep things to yourself, but I’ve never thought you don’t feel things. Keeping it on the inside isn’t the same as not having feelings. Can I ask what brought this on?”

“Dad broke up with Svetlana last night after he caught her trying to paste herself to me in the kitchen.”

“Oh god. How is he?”

“Surprisingly, he’s okay. He didn’t realize

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