Faking Ms. Right (Dirty Martini Running Club #1) - Claire Kingsley Page 0,57

rational brain had been functional to stop me.

Plus, watching her make herself come like that had been fucking incredible. The sight of her straddling me with her skirt hiked up her thighs, her panties pulled to the side, had been hot as fuck. A few more minutes of that, and I probably would have come too.

She sat next to me, her hands in her lap, her cheeks still flushed an adorable shade of pink. It was hard to keep my attention on the road. We were both silent, but I couldn’t have held a normal conversation even if I’d tried. There wasn’t enough blood in my brain. Luckily, it was late, the roads were fairly empty, and we made it back to my building without any delays.

I parked and we got out, my heart still thumping, my dick aching. With my hand on the small of her back, I led her to the elevator. When we got in, I didn’t press the button for the penthouse. Instead, I selected the floor of my other condo. My escape. The place I never showed anyone.

Showing her was a risk. I was crossing lines with Everly that I’d never crossed with a woman. A part of me realized I’d have to deal with that later.

But she’d seen me play, and I never shared that with people, either. And the way I felt now, I didn’t want to take a chance that my dad—or worse, Dad and Svetlana—would be home. The last thing I needed was my father wanting to chat when we walked in the door.

I was a man with a singular purpose. And that was to fuck the hell out of this woman. Now.

“Um…” Everly’s voice was hesitant. “Where are we going?”

“I’ll show you.”

She nestled closer to me and I tightened my grip on her waist. The temptation to push her against the wall and kiss her was strong. But I knew once I started, I wouldn’t be able to stop. My self-control was at a breaking point.

The elevator doors opened, and I led her to my studio unit. Inside was dark—the blackout curtains blocking the light from the city outside—so I turned on the lamp on the side table.

Everly stood just inside the door, looking around wide-eyed, her full lips parted. As she took in our surroundings—my collection of guitars, the band posters—a strange feeling hit me in the chest. The same one I’d felt onstage when our eyes had met and I’d realized she was seeing me. Truly seeing me. But the intense vulnerability only increased my desire. I wanted to fuck her a hundred different ways in here.

“Come here.”

She moved toward me, stepping out of her heels, and pulled her shirt over her head, letting it drop to the floor.

Good girl.

We frantically tore off our clothes and I made sure to grab the condom out of my wallet. Her body was a fucking sight, but I wasn’t in any state to appreciate the beauty of those curves. Grabbing her at the waist, I hauled her against me. Leaned down and captured her mouth.

Kissing Everly felt different. Her lips were soft and sweet, but it was more than that. She was reaching inside me, unlocking places I kept hidden. I felt a connection I’d never experienced before.

I trusted her.

It was why we were here. Why I was laying her down on the couch in a room no one else had set foot in since the day I moved in. Wasting no time, I put on the condom while she watched, licking her lips.

“Are you ready for this?” I asked, running my hands down the smooth skin of her thighs. She offered no resistance as I pushed her legs open.

“Oh my god, yes.”

Lowering myself on top of her, I aligned the tip of my cock with her entrance and groaned as I thrust inside.

There was no hesitation. No pausing to appreciate the exquisiteness of her pussy wrapped around my dick. I needed to fuck her, and I needed to fuck her hard.

Driving in deep, I slid easily through her wetness. Out, then in. She hooked her legs around the backs of my thighs and gripped my back, tilting her hips to meet my thrusts. I pounded her into the couch, unleashing all my pent-up tension. All the unbridled lust I’d been holding inside.

Her fingernails scratched my back and the infusion of pain fueled my passion. I grunted, my body stiffening, and the pressure in my groin skyrocketed.

“You feel so fucking good,”

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