Faking Ms. Right (Dirty Martini Running Club #1) - Claire Kingsley Page 0,56

mumbled. “I’m not—”

The button popped open. He grunted again.

“We’re not—”

I lowered the zipper.

His grip on my ass tightened and he pulled back slightly. “I’m not fucking you for the first time in the back seat of my car.”

First time… first time implied a second time which implied multiple times. I wasn’t just crossing a line out here. I was getting a running start and leaping over it, leaving the line far behind.

“I know,” I said and returned to kissing him while my fingers worked his zipper the rest of the way down. “I just want these out of my way.”

I hadn’t meant to expose him fully. The loose plan in my lust-filled brain was simply to remove the denim barrier between my desperately aroused lady parts and his very tempting cock. I just wanted to rub on him a little more while we made out. But he was so hard—and so big—he stuck out the top of his underwear. And the sight of that magnificent dick, glistening with a drop of precum on the tip, was too much to resist.

Ignoring the fact that we were in a car in a dingy parking lot outside a dive bar, I pulled his underwear down, revealing the length of his glorious cock.

I was so glad I’d worn a skirt. I shifted my hips closer so I could rub myself along his length and his fingers dug into my skin as he guided me, moving me up and down. My panties were still between us, but the friction was intense.

I was dry-humping my boss’s exposed cock in the back of his car and it was fucking amazing.

Shepherd’s hand moved over the top of my thigh, reaching between my legs. His fingertips hooked beneath my panties. “I need to feel your pussy.”

“Do you have a condom?” I panted.

“I won’t… just want a little more.”

He pulled my panties to the side, bringing my wet folds in direct contact with his shaft. I moaned and he grunted as I slowly slid along his length.

“Fuck, you’re so wet.”

“We can’t, can we?”

He groaned as I slid back down. “No. I won’t go in. Not here. But… fuck, you feel so good.”

It did feel good. It felt incredible. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I made a mental note to ask Nora whether it counted as sex if you didn’t achieve actual penetration.

For now, I rubbed myself along his cock as we frantically kissed. Pressure built between my legs, the breathtaking ache of an impending orgasm. I moved faster, grinding my clit against his erection while he gripped my thighs with his strong hands.

“That’s it,” he murmured. “Fuck yes, baby.”

I was too far gone to stop. He thrust against me, guiding me with his hands. Our mouths separated and we both looked down, watching as I rubbed my slit up and down the outside of his glistening cock. It would have been so easy for him to reach in and pick up his dick so I could slide on. Forget the condom situation and fuck me right here.

But he didn’t. He watched with parted lips as I drew my clit against him, over and over, moving faster.

“Yes, baby,” he said. “Don’t stop. Don’t fucking stop.”

I wasn’t about to unless he made me. I chased my orgasm all the way to the brink, whimpering as the intensity built.


A little…


One last long drag up his cock and I burst apart, throwing my head back. He held me while I rode out the waves of pleasure, my wetness soaking him.

I slowed down as I finished, breathing hard. Oh my god, what had I done? I’d just dry-humped—was it dry-humping if there weren’t any clothes between you?—my boss until I came all over him.

Before I could worry about what was supposed to happen next—he was still hard as steel beneath me—he wrapped his hand around the back of my neck. His jaw hitched and his brow furrowed.

“We’re going home and I’m going to fuck the shit out of you when we get there.”



The drive to my condo went by in a haze of explosive sexual tension. My entire groin ached, the pressure radiating outward, making my back tense and my shoulders tight. Her scent and the feel of her silky wetness sliding over me lingered, tortuous and tempting.

I’d wanted to fuck her right then, in the back of my car. The primal urge to take her—to thrust my cock inside her and claim her as mine—had been almost overpowering. But enough of my

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