Fake (Madison Kate #3) - Tate James Page 0,73

I should check if the whole building is out or if it's just a fuse here." Heading back to my bathroom in the dark, I snagged my robe and pulled it on.

The light of my phone was still enough that Steele could just see me, and he let out a small laugh as I placed my phone down to belt the robe.

"That looks so much better on you than me," he commented, and I grinned.

"I dunno, babe," I replied, teasing, "you looked pretty hot in it."

"There was supposed to be a storm coming this weekend," Steele said, the clicking of keys telling me he was on his computer. "Maybe the wind knocked out your power." There was something in his voice, though, and he tossed the phone down on his bed while he pulled a shirt on.

"You don't think that's what it is, though," I observed. A trickle of fear ran through me.

Steele didn't immediately reply, his face grim as he left his bedroom. "I'm coming over," he said instead. "I'll be there in fifteen, or less if Arch drives."

Yep, now I was really worried. I made my way back out to my kitchen and tried the lights there. Nothing. The oven and microwave were dark too.

"It's probably just the storm coming through," I murmured, not even believing myself. "But yeah, I think maybe it’s not the worst idea for you to come over."

Steele grunted a sound of agreement, his footsteps pounding as he ran down the stairs. "Stay on the phone with me, okay? I need to know you're safe. Just hang tight."

I wrapped my free arm around my middle, biting the edge of my lip in nervousness. "I should call Cass," I said, checking the time. He'd said he was going to Club 22, but it was for a meeting, not a night out. Maybe he'd be back already.

Steele's brow furrowed further. "I'd rather you stay on the line with me, babe."

I shrugged. "Yes, but you're fifteen minutes away at least. Cass might be just across the hall. I could go and knock, I guess?"

"No!" Steele's reply was a sharp yell. "No, don't unlock your door. Just... fuck, just call me right back, okay?" I saw him burst through the door to the gym and caught a flash of Archer and Kody sparring on the padded mats.

"Yep, absolutely. I'm sure it'll be fine, though." I was reassuring him, but neither of us were buying it.

"Stay inside; keep your door locked. I'll be right there. Hellcat—" He broke off with a frustrated sound. "Fuck it. I love you, stay safe."

The call ended before the shock of his words could fully sink in, and for way too long I just stood there staring at my blank screen like a stunned rabbit.

Maybe I'd heard him wrong? Maybe the panic of the situation was mixing with my post-orgasm euphoria, and I was imagining things? But nope. It had been a clear line, and I hadn't misheard him.

Steele had just said that he loved me.


It took me another couple of moments to shake off my shocked haze, then I quickly searched my phone for Cass's number. He'd saved it for me earlier in the week when Zane had told him about the incident with Bree's number. I hadn't used it yet, but I was sure as hell glad I had it now.

It only rang a couple of times before he answered.

"Kid. What's happened?"

Thumping club music played in the background, and my stomach sank. He wasn't home in his apartment. Shit.

"Just a power outage," I told him, keeping my voice as calm as possible. The last thing the Reapers needed was their guest hostage getting all girly over a blackout. Besides, Club 22 was even farther away than the guys' house, so it was pointless to worry Cass. "I was just checking if you were home or not."

"I'm leaving now," he told me. "I'll get the recruits to check the circuits. Stay put in your apartment, kid. Don't fucking leave."

He ended the call before I could assure him that I was no fucking idiot—I wasn't going anywhere.

So now I had all the big bads coming to my rescue. I just needed to stay alive until they got here.

In an attempt to distract myself from the anxiety churning my stomach, I went back through to my bedroom and pulled on some clothes. I hardly needed to be practically naked in nothing but a satin robe when Archer arrived, that was for sure.

A heavy knock sounded

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