Fake (Madison Kate #3) - Tate James Page 0,72

and dragging it up to coat my clit. Closing my eyes, it was easy to picture Steele's fingers on me. The way he manipulated the piano keys, the way I knew he could manipulate my body...

A breathy whimper pulled from my throat as I toyed with my clit, and Steele hit an out-of-place note, then swore.

"This was a terrible idea," he muttered, but there was an edge of laughter that brought a broad smile to my face. My cheeks were flushed with heat, my back arching off the bed, and my pussy throbbing with need.

"You're telling me," I replied on a moan. "I don't even have any of my vibrators here. You have no idea how badly I want something bigger than my fingers right now."

Steele's tune cut off abruptly with a crash of notes like he'd just smacked the keyboard. "Fuck it," he growled, "switch to video. Please, Hellcat... I need to see your face when you come."

My phone bleeped in my ear, and I pulled it away to see the notification that Steele wanted to activate cameras. I bit my lip, smiling and feeling evil.

"Baby, come on. Please, hit accept." His voice was pure need, and I wasn't even going to pretend I didn't get off on the power of it.

Instead of doing what he wanted, I kept fingering myself, bringing my orgasm closer with every stroke and thrust.

"Hellcat, you're killing me," he groaned. "Please, beautiful. Please..."

I laughed a low, sex-filled sound, then hit accept on his request. His face filled my screen a moment later, and my grin spread wider.

"If you think I'm giving you any other angles, you're shit out of luck," I told him, then gasped as a ripple of pleasure lit up my lower belly. Fucking hell, I was so close.

Steele's eyes brightened with hunger as he drank in my features. I was flat on my back, my wet hair a mess around my head and my eyelids heavy. It was kind of disconcerting to see myself in the little screen box, but also a bit of a turn on knowing what he could see.

"This is the only angle I need, Hellcat," he murmured back, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. "You look like a freaking angel when you come."

I laughed. "Some angel."

Steele just shrugged, his gaze intense. "A fallen one, then. Either way, it's a biblical experience. Are you close?"

I pulled my fingers from my soaking core again and brought them back to my clit. "God, yes. Steele..." I uttered his name on a moan as I rubbed myself into climax, crying out as the waves of pleasure ripped through my whole body and my legs shook. It was all I could do not to drop my phone on my face, instead gripping it hard enough to leave dents in my palm.

It took several moments for my head to clear and my breathing to slow, then I was able to refocus on my phone.

"Was that what you wanted, Max?" I grinned at him, my whole body like liquid as I rolled over to my side. I held the phone on the pillow beside me, so it was like we were actually in bed together.

His brows were raised, his lips parted, and face flushed. "So much better," he replied in a mumble. "I need a cold shower or something."

"Or you could just come over and give me what I really want..." I bit my lip, the offer of hot sex unmistakable in my voice.

His brow creased and he gave a pained groan. "You have no idea how hard it's been to stay away this week, Hellcat."

I gave a shrug. "So don't."

He heaved a sigh. "I have to. For one thing, I want to start things over with you. Last time I went about everything wrong. I was selfish and secretive and didn't... I didn't do things the right way. There's so much more between us than just incredible sex, Hellcat..." His gaze was steady, locked on mine in an unflinching apology.

Emotions swirled in my chest, and I found myself without words for a moment. Was this Steele's way of telling me that he cared on an emotional level? That he... loved me?

"Steele—" Whatever I was about to say, I cut it short when all the lights in my apartment shut off.

"Hellcat?" he asked, "did your lights just turn off on their own?"

I frowned, sitting up enough to check the lamp beside my bed. Nothing.

"Yeah, looks like a power cut out or something.

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