The Faire (Harrow Faire #5) - Kathryn Ann Kingsley Page 0,75

much less than what we do now. We’re meant to survive on hair clippings, not fingers and toes. Everybody feeds on everyone else in life. They take from everyone around them and they give back when they want to. Are we really any better or worse than that?”

Jack’s jaw ticked, but he stayed silent.

She took his hands in both of hers. “When you were in those mental institutions, I bet you had a lot of doctors and nurses who enjoyed what they did to you just a little too much. They took from you because they thought that’s what you were there for. That you deserved it. More importantly—they did it because they could. The whole world is full of people like that. Climbing on others to get ahead. Pushing people farther down the ladder so they can get their heads one inch a little higher.”

“We’re monsters. Doesn’t matter if other people are monsters, too.”

“Maybe.” She stepped a bit closer and squeezed his hands. “Maybe you’re right and we don’t deserve to exist. But I’ve seen—I looked right into the center of Harrow Faire. I jumped into a hole of nothingness, and I can tell you that it cares for us. It really, honestly does. It wants us to be happy. It wants to see the world. It wants to be human. It means well. And that’s more than I can say for most of the people in this world.”

“That’s only what it’s shown you. What if it’s lying?”

Cora shrugged. “I don’t know. But if we required hard proof for everyone’s feelings all the time, we would always be alone.”

Jack pulled his hands away from her. “It doesn’t matter if one monster is less evil than another. It’s still evil. And it still should be destroyed. Just because you think some people are worse doesn’t make what we are okay. Saying this world is a cesspit of cruelty doesn’t make what we do right.” He shook his head and took a step back. “And if you can’t see that, then…then there’s no hope for you. You’re too far gone.”

“What about your mother? What about Maggie? Doesn’t Soothsayer deserve to live? What does she have to say about this?”

Jack winced as if she’d slapped him. “She’s neutral. She’s always neutral. And she…” Jack sighed heavily. “She’s my mom. And I love her. But I didn’t come here because of that. I came here because I had nowhere else to go. Because this place took everything from me. It already ruined my life, and I thought it was better to let it take me than live a lie. But…we have to be bigger than the people we love. Like Turk and Amanda. They’re willing to sacrifice themselves to defeat the creature.”

“I’m saying that I think the beauty we can create far exceeds the harm we do. I’m saying that if we can inspire other people who come to see our shows to create their own art, or aspire to be something more, then we’ve given back more than we’ve taken.” She honestly didn’t know where half of this rant was coming from.

It didn’t sound like her.

She didn’t disagree, but it…wasn’t things she’d usually spout.



Are you possessing me?

“Can’t possess you, hon. It’s like lasagna. Once you stick all the ingredients together, you can’t get one without a bit of everything else. We’re one and the same.” The voice paused. “What’s with Simon’s hatred of ricotta, anyway? I like ricotta.”

She sighed and shut her eyes. “I’ve changed. You’re right.” She ran her hands back through her hair, combing through the strands. “And running the risk of sounding pedantic, it is what it is. I’m going to fight for us. Including you.”

“What do you mean?” Jack watched her in confusion. “Including me?”

“If the vote comes and I win, and I take over, I’m not going to kill you, Amanda, or anyone else who votes against me. Not unless you want to be set free.”

Jack’s perplexed expression turned to surprise briefly before returning again. “Why? We…would have stood against you.”

“If I didn’t tolerate other opinions, I’d be as bad as Turk. And that’s not something I’m interested in becoming.” She turned to walk away. “I have no interest in being a tyrant, Jack. Not now, not ever. I just want to be a Family. And Families have fights sometimes. Good night, Jack. I’m going to go collect Simon before he murders Aaron out of boredom.”

There was a long pause from behind her before Jack answered. “Good Copyright 2016 - 2024